UK EU In/Out referendum-:Polling day thread.

So, the referendum is on today.

Will it be Rule Britannia or Ruled Britannia.:smiley:
BBC has an excellent page

A summary of polls from the Guardian:

I know it sounds a bit dramatic, but I feel physically ill. I am Dutch/English. If we vote out I will probably not be able to live in the UK ever again because my partner is Dutch. We’d have to be super rich and all that. I see that with friends trying to get non-EU partners in. It’s impossible.

I can’t stand the thought of not being allowed to live in my own country. (I know this is a reality for many other people and I’m really sorry about that.)

I know the polls say Remain and even the bookies do (always watch the bookies!). But I daren’t believe it. I think the young people will not brave the rain to vote and the disgruntled Tories & racists will.


My prediction is Remain wins by 4 points

If leave wins, does Cameron still have a job on Monday?

I split my time between London and Prague and it’s so easy at the moment. No visas, no work permits, come and go as I please. The free movement laws are the best thing that has ever happened in Europe IMHO.

Nearly every non EU ex-pat I know in Prague ended up marrying a local as they got sick of the visa process very quickly. Some of those marriages are clearly just ‘green card’ arrangements. I don’t want to end up in that situation, I doubt my wife would let me marry someone else!

The only glimmer of hope if there’s a leave vote is that the Czech Republic may well follow us. They never signed up to the Euro either and polls suggest 60% in favour of leaving. They just don’t want to be first. We could form our own little club and that would suit my situation perfectly.

My vote for Remain has been cast.

Odds on Leave are rapidly lengthening and showing no sign of stopping, at 8 on Betfair as I write this.

Goddammit. I for one re-welcome our European overlords.

Looks like the Leave supporters are taking lessons from Bernie Sanders supporters: They are promoting a conspiracy theory about vote counters erasing Leave votes.

Voted Remain. A long-standing friend has unfriended me over some pretty bitter words. Outside Waterloo station last night I witnessed some very angry arguments between commuters and pamphleteers - very unlike the British!

Oh, and a horrendously racist Leaver on a bus on Tuesday whom everyone Britishly glared at until he got off, and then someone feebly shouted at his back: “No-one cares!”

I just want this to be over.

All that and then forgot to say: I have been disenfranchised by Manchester City Council! I registered in April, received a reference number and was told Manchester would be in touch, possibly with further questions.

When they weren’t in touch after about a week I emailed them. And emailed again. And again. I tried calling but it took too long and cost too much. Then I contacted the Consulate in Amsterdam, where they said they weren’t allowed to talk about the referendum, I should try the Electoral Commission. I tried to contact the CAB, but that only works if you’re in the UK. Then I contacted the Ombudsman, who said they couldn’t help and I should try the Electoral Commission. The Electoral Commission said they couldn’t help, I just needed to keep trying with Manchester.

Three days before the referendum Manchester got back to me. They couldn’t find anything about my registration at the address I put down, sorry you can’t vote & sorry it took us so long to get in touch.

I am livid. They were supposed to contact me with further questions if they couldn’t figure out this last registration. I knew they wouldn’t be able to work it out too, because last time I voted it was a total mess. But it should have been possible to work backwards to find where I was properly registered etc. That’s why I started with plenty of time!

I am now trying to find out where to turn, but everyone is just pointing to everyone else. Or better yet: not responding. I complained to Manchester directly and they are once again ignoring me.

Absolutely outrageous. The UK with its stupid FPtP system and this shambles is a total banana republic, yet there they are complaining about the democracy of the EU.

Anyway, if anyone here knows where to complain about this…

It’s only text, no pictures or video, but I wouldn’t read this at work.

This has been very similar to #indyref, even down to the pen conspiracy theories. I can’t wait till it’s over, frankly, and hope we never have another one.

The spouse and I have voted. Both Remain.

Speaking of which, Labour have stuck a pro-Remain leaflet through our letterbox this morning. Leaving it a bit late, guys.

Just FTR; Remain x 2 from this household.

I’m sorry, but it’s being-hit-on-the-head lessons in here.

This is the single funniest thing I have seen on the internet ever …

Plus, I voted remain …

Some interesting evidence of the culture war the referendum has ignited/fuelled: Vote Leave are now telling voters in England that Scotland and London are against them, complete with photo of "leafy London suburb:

Heartlands. Get in the fucking sea.

The “Heartlands”…where all the EU money is currently going. If Leave wins, there’ll be a booming secondhand nose business thanks to all the face-spiting activity.

I’m off to the polling station now. With my dog Dylan in tow, as apparentlythat’s a thing now. (BBC link). He’s voting IN for the record.

The losing side in the Scottish referendum vote hold a candle to no-one in blaming a conspiracy on their loss.