UK Telly - Crystal Quest?

A few years ago I traveled to the UK several times, and saw several episodes of a game (not quiz) show called, IIRC, Crystal Quest. The host ushered a team of about 6-8 people around a large and fancy set, offering physical/mental/dexterity/whatever challenges. If the chosen team member(s) finished the challenge in the alotted time; they won a crystal. If they gave up, they got nothing. If they were still in the room when the time ran out, they were locked in (but could be bought out for a crystal). At the end of the hour-long show, each crystal was good for something like five seconds in a huge ball with gold-backed and silver-backed bills blowing around. If the team’s total collection of gold-backed bills minus their total collection of silver-backed bills was greater than some number, they wond the big prize.

I enjoyed it much more than any American game show.

I also seem to faintly recall seeing at least one other variation on the theme, at aseaside setting with a nautical theme.

Are such things still done in the UK? Why hasn’t this idea been stolen for American TV?

God, Jon ! Yes, I remember the Crystal Maze - had that shaven haired theatrical guy presenting. Haven’t seen it around for some time, perhaps 2 - 3 years, I guess it just ran its span and ran out of innovations. That was a Channel 4 show, I think.

It was interesting in that it was one of the first to really get into hand held camera and video shots during the games (or trials). Looked visually very good and the bald guy was good at building the tention. Don’t recall this variation on that theme idea based at the seaside, though.

As for now, well things move on. My favourite at the moment is a more practical test. Teams of 4 people are set the task of building a designated something from anything they can find in a allotted scrap yard. They are given 2 days to build the thing. Recent ‘somethings’ have included an artillery piece (the winners were the ones who fired closest to the target after the two days) and the next week, a fully working amphibious vehicle (old car engine, roof of a van as the hull, drive shaft out the back…excellent innovation.

Sure someone will be along to tell you more about the Crystal maze…

Not sure why US tv doesn’t take more of these idea’s up. I sometimes wonder if it’s a scheduling thing – prime time in the States is pretty rigid in content and we are fortunate to have at least two networks willing play with the schedules and try out new ideas. One, of course, is not advertising revenue reliant, which helps.

They showed this recently on the Learning Channel in the USA. Very good show.

This covers what the show was all about .

The original host was Richard O’Brien of *Rocky Horror Show * fame .

I’ve seen a French Show which I can’t remember the name of that is really like the Crystal Maze except bigger . It’s set in a real life Castle and has Tigers that run into area’s if time runs out(I’m sure the contestants are protected but it does look good) .

Fort Boyard, presented by Leslie Grantham and Melinda Messenger on Channel 5. It’s set on a disused military platform out at sea and it’s a bit more physical than Crystal Maze.

And then it was Edward Tudor-Pole of briefly-famous-mid-80s-Adam-and-the-Ants-alike-one-hit-wonders Tenpole Tudor. I can’r remember the name of their one hit, though.

Hey TomH - ohh the memories. I had a summer job a long time ago driving an ice cream van around and one of my regualr customers was Tudor-Pole’s dear old mum - this was during Adam and the Ants ‘hay day’. Every bloody day she’d came waddling out and start with (in high pitched excitement) “Did you see 'im on telly last night and a large cone, please”…

Lovely old bird.

There are three pieces of information in that quote that I find to be, at the very least, ominous (Grantham, Messenger and C5). Shudder.

“Swords of a Thousand Men”?