UK Terror plot was an Inside job

Answer to how the UK govt would benefit from the “doctors involved in terror attack” story-

(1) News on February 18, 2007
UK rules drove doctor to suicide.
An Asian doctor was driven to commit suicide when he couldn’t get work in the UK after the government changed its immigration rules last year


(2) News on 10 April 2007.
Postgraduate doctors and dentists went to court to challenge changes to the UK Immigration Rules made in April 2006 that made it more difficult for them to enter or remain in the UK to undertake training at postgradudate level.

**(3) News on July 5, 2007
(British Prime Minister) Mr Brown said that there would be an immediate review of NHS (National Health Service) recruitment after the discovery that several doctors had been arrested in connection with the bomb plot. **

google “911 truth”
Research ur self on 911 and 7/7 london bombings. They were inside jobs carried out by US and UK secret service departments.
Wake up people!