Ukelele Ike & Flora McFlimsey

Oh, thank you, Flora! Lovely allusion. I WISH I could write like Robert Benchley!

(At least she didn’t say Miles Archer and Brigid O’Shaughnessy. We all remember what she did to HIM.)

And if we get lonely we can always hang a sign reading MEN on our office door.


Well, in case anyone is still following our sordid little ABC Movie of the Week, Ike and I finally met at the Algonquin last night (he is probably still too hung over or nursing his bruises to log on). The Algonquin agreed to let us back again next week if we paid for the busted chandelier, broken glasses and the probable loss of patrons. The police had such a good time that they didn’t mind the 911 call.

For you gals out there, Ike does indeed resemble “Night Court’s” Harry Anderson a bit: attractive in a blonde, lanky, tweedy sort of way. But, as he’s suddenly developed an unexpected case of matrimony, I shall contain my admiration to a platonic–indeed, sisterly–mode.

Oh, and I found to my delight that he knows all the words to my very favorite Irving Berlin song, “Cohen Owes Me Ninety-Seven Dollars!”

Time to bring this thread to the top again.


If you’re hot, that’s good.
If you’re cool, that’s good.

I don’t get it.

I second that nomination!!! :slight_smile:

Bring back the 50’s…with a vengeance!!

Brilliant, gorgeous, and witty, I was expecting, and was not disappointed. But the lady’s athleticism came as a complete surprise.

When the conversation turned to the Harry K. Thaw/Stanford White murder case and we discussed the feasability of Evelyn Nesbit’s stage act, Miss McFlimsey was up and into that chandelier like a Chinese acrobat. It was only when she encouraged me to join her that we brought down the house, so to speak.

I should mention that Miss McFlimsey accomplished all of her feats fueled only by tomato juice, with a twist of lime; my attempts to ply her with absinthe were scorned.

Hotel management made a show of liberality in allowing us to return next week, but the house dick drew me aside at one point and slipped me the address of a suitable “bucket of blood” down on the Bowery that he thought might be a more welcoming retreat.

Mention must also be made of one of Flora’s tasteful accessories: a small 1950s political campaign button that read “I Like Ike and Dick.”

In short, a swell time was had by all, and will be again soon. Now, where’s my ice-pack?

“I like Ike and Dick”: ya gotta love it. Must be reading the wrong threads, because I wasn’t aware of the Ike and Flora saga in all of its details. Now certain things are becoming clearer, such as Ike’s panegyric in the Favorite Poster thread (praise was dead on; it’s just that it is placing things more in context :).

And all we can do is watch the play unfold from behind the scenes or in the wings (or their equivalent at the Algonquin - the kitchen, perhaps?). :frowning:

Indeed, my only disappointment was that Ike failed to pick up on a straight line I’d handed him. When he entered the Blue Bar, I was perched decoratively on a barstool reading a copy of Anthony Trollope’s “Miss McKenzie”–in the hopes that he’d saunter up, peruse the book jacket and say, “Trollope?” I’m a firm believer that you are what you read.

Then again, I also believe that you are what you eat–Ike, let’s pop out for something fast and cheap!

After three months of electronic intercourse (Oh, bite my tongue. YOU know what I mean.) you think the first thing I was gonna look at would be your book jacket?

THAT much of a bookworm, I’m not!


It’s my own fault for having gams like Betty Grable, I suppose.

As for your “attempts to ply her with absinthe,” I wouldn’t dare–everyone knows absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.

Oh, my GOD…not on top of the hangover, please.

At next week’s get-together, you must have some Madeira, m’dear.

This is the stuff of legend.

If you’re hot, that’s good.
If you’re cool, that’s good.

I don’t get it.

“It’s the stuff that dreams are made of…”

Well, she won’t need much of anybody’s help. She’s good. She’s very good. It’s chiefly her eyes, I think, and that throb she gets into her voice when she says things like “Be generous, Mr. Spade.”

– Uke, courting copyright-infringement punishment from the moderators in a pathetic attempt to hoist our thread back up

Oh, Ike . . . don’t let’s ask for the moon, we have the stars.

“You must remember this, a kiss is still a kiss…”

:::a little mood music for the rendesvous::::

“Love. Exciting and nude.
Climb aboard, she’s expecting you…”

::a little mood music about the rendezvous!::

My apologies to Isaac and Gopher and, of course, to Julie.

Umm, Chief, from “Casablanca” and “Now Voyager” to the LOVE BOAT? Are you trying to give us all pop-culture-reference whiplash or something?

Ike, Don’t be such a cheapskate.

Buy Flora a rainbow, and put it on her finger.

If you’re hot, that’s good.
If you’re cool, that’s good.

I don’t get it.

wally: you romantic poet, you…