Unauthorized Bash Brothers Experience (Lonely Island)

Anyone check this short film out on Netflix? It’s a ~25 minute “visual poem” sending up Jose Canseco and Mark McGwire - known as “The Bash Brothers” for their prolific home run hitting (and steroid use) on the late 80s Oakland A’s.

It stars Andy Samberg as Canseco and Akiva Schaffer as McGwire. It’s basically a series of rap songs with videos, akin to Beyonce’s movie/album *Lemonade *(with some nods to Lemonade).

Samberg and Schaffer grew up in the Bay Area so they are A’s fans, and grew up in the era of The Bash Brothers. I applaud them for completely taking the piss out of what were most likely childhood idols. The whole thing is funny and absurd.

The “movie” is on Netflix, but you can also find clips on the Lonely Island YouTube channel.Here’s a link to an article with more info.