"Uniform" for teenage & college age girls of Ugg boots & North Face jacket - Why so conformist?

I totally want some Ogg boots.

Granted, I live out west, but I never seen anyone young wearing Uggs and North Face jackets. Uggs yes, NF no. In fact, when I went to New Orleans last November, we were joking that the way you could identify the old folks on Bourbon Street from a mile away was the North Face jackets.

I was in Chicago last weekend and I didn’t notice this look either. Color me perplexed.

Like others have said: Uggs are comfy as hell. If you haven’t tried them, do so and report back with your findings. I always have a pair or two around for lazy errand running/ Saturdays at the farmer’s market. Sue me.

Right. Isn’t there that ol meme that if your hands, feet, and top of your head are warm, the rest of you will be warmer, too? Besides that, Uggs are just comfy. It isn’t always all about warmth, but it’s a nice bonus.

Simplicio, as someone said up thread: Uggs are great in warm weather, too. The insulation works both ways, after all-- so when it’s 115 out, I may look somewhat silly in my Uggs, but my feet are nice and comfy.