Unintentionally amusing movie deaths

The one at the end of Robocop, where Emile get doused in toxic waste and starts to melt…then he gets hit by Clarence’s car! Splat!

(Though I have to wonder if that really was intended to be amusing. I’m sure all the rabid Verhoeven-heads will inisit that it was supposed to be funny. Ah, well.)

“Blessed are the brains, for they are… Mmmm… Brains.”

Bride of Chucky;

the lead character’s van is stopped on the side of a highway under an overpass

the lead male character’s freind finds the body of his father (the chief of police) stuffed in a cooler in the van (he was killed by Chucky), he backs away in horror…

…into the path of a speeding 18-wheeler…

and is turned into a fine red mist

When we saw the movie Psycho II my sister and I literally burst into laughter during the scene where:

Norman takes a shovel and slams it down on the nosy neighbor’s (I think that’s what she was…it’s been years since I saw it and I have no intention of watching this stupid film again) head. Then she lays there twitching and convulsing like he electrocuted her.

It was just hysterical. Almost slapstick in the way it was done. The look on Norman’s face alone was worth a huge guffaw.

While I’ve heard since that time it may have been intentionally funny, nobody but my sister and I laughed. And by the way, that was one of the sorriest, most ill-conceived films ever. The above death scene was its only redeeming feature.

Fair enough. I will say the theater more gasped than laughed – but I found it funny & I’ll bet Tarintino did too, so good point.

Dooku and Leaper= :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m aware of that, btw-I read it on the Jedi Council Boards. But I still think it would have been funny.

By the end of Se7en, I’d reached that “so horrified you get loopy” stage, and when the infamous box appeared, I leaned over to my husband and said, meaning it in a goofy, over-the-top way, It’s a human head!
And well, you know if you’ve seen the movie.

The first orc death at the battle of Helms Deep, when the old guys arrow slips. The orcs stop their chanting and get this indignant look like “Oh man, we where just gonna do our chant and go home but you guys made it personal now… Its on!”

The Isengard crew got totally served!

Then a spotlight fell on the elves and killed them all … that means the winner is Isengard!

Shatner dying in Star Trek: Generations because a scaffolding fell on him. The guy survived Klingons, the “50 quatloos on the newcomer” guys, and Ricardo Montalban. But a devious scaffolding is more than a match for Kirk’s tenacity and he snuffs it.

I’m not going to spoiler this because it was a silly movie anyway…

In Razerback (the single best movie ever made about a man eating pig) when the punk guy gets eaten by Razerback in the pet food factory.

You see only the shadow of the event happening on the factory wall -but if you listen you hear the punk guy going “ouch, oww, ouch, ouch”

Comic gold.

Err. I mean “razorback”

Carry on.

That’s really disturbing.


He was supposed to explode?

Uh… no. Sure, a sudden drop in pressure like that is really unhealthy, but NO ONE has ever “exploded” from that sort of pressure differential.

Even more frightening – Steven Seagal’s stubborness actually improved the movie and made it more realistic.


And I don’t get the “float away” part at all – was he supposed to somehow learn to fly by flapping his arms? Have time to fashion a crude parachute out of his shirt and underwear? Catch a ride on a passing jet? What?

[expletive deleted] idiots…

Don’t be facetious. He would have died, but not on-screen - that was the compromise.

First thing I thought of when seeing the title was the photographer’s beheading (David Warner) in The Omen, tho Meg Ryan’s death in City of Angels takes the cake.

I will add Jonathan Frid/Barnabas Collins getting shot by an arrow & then the hero comes down to twist it in as blood gushes & Frid writhes for a ridiculously long time (tho as a kid I thought it was so damn cool) in NIGHT OF DARK SHADOWS. (Or was it HOUSE OF D…S…).

How about Samuel Jackson in Deep Blue Sea?He’s giving a big important rousing speech about sticking together in this time of [sub]yadd yada yada[/sub] and this huge freakin’ shark just ups and eats him

That might have been intentionally funny, but the whole film was such a mess, it would hard to tell.

it’s the law of The Literal Cliff-hanger from those old hong kong tv serials - so long as you don’t see the character die on screen, there is the basic assumption that he will return alive somehow. (if the story requires it.)

The “Dirty Den” effect.

Mark Fowler will be back. Coffin or no coffin.