Update to my nazi cops thread

Sorry to the mods, but I REALLY don’t want to resurect that nightmare of a thread.

Quick rundown, had a run-in with the cops a couple weeks ago, got a Public Intox that I thought I shouldn’t have gotten etc.

Went into court today. The police report said I blew a .06 on the BAC test, not .08 like I said.

Anyway I plead no contest and the judge gave me a Not Guilty and said those two cops are “over zealous” (I could just hear the " " in his voice)

To those of you who wished me luck Thank You :), and to those of you who called me a lying-moron-asshole sticks out tongue.

Hey, you lying moro… what?

He stuck what out?

How rude!, arrest that man at once.

It doesn’t mean you’re not lying-moron-asshole, it just means the Man thinks your not, which I guess means you’re a huge tool by association.


What Eternal said.

Did the drunks hit on you again?

Yay for BioHazard!

What Janie said.
