Uploading from a MP3 to a Computer

I saw a newspaper article on how one can upload music from an ipod to a computer.

I have a Creative Nomad Jukebox Zen Extra MP3 and am wondering if I can upload the songs on it back into a computer. The MP3 sound is not working well so I bought an ipod. The problem is that the laptop where my music was being stored had a virus and my wife had to have the hard drive cleaned off. She didn’t save my music. The MP3 works fine, but the ear phone jack has a problem so moving the music around should be alright.


Yep, it’s quite easy. Once you’ve got your mp3 player hooked up, open my computer, click right click on the player and click open. Then find the folder where your music is held and highlight it all and click copy. Then open the folder where you want your music to be and hit paste.

Are you sure that that will work with that model MP3 player, Tristram? For instance, it wouldn’t help with my creative zen micro - you can’t get a ‘copy’ for music files on the player… you can delete, or paste new files, but that’s about all.

Something to do with the way the USB interface software is written… MSC (mass storage class) players appear as a regular windows drive and you can copy from them easily, but most creative zen are on MTP or another protocol - they appear in ‘my computer’, but they have a completely different interface compared to disks because the players don’t have a real file system - they might have a kind of database structure. And copyback from MTP devices is often crippled out or just not supported, ‘so that they can’t be used for copyright infringement’ (mild sheesh.)

I know this isn’t what you want to hear, Mangosteen - I’m not sure that it’s impossible to do the transfer with that model, but it might be, or be very complicated or difficult.

Ok, sorry, I have a Creative Vision: M, thought they might be alike enough. slips away quietly

Hmm… no, don’t slip away too quickly! If you can do that on yours, then… well, your anecdotal isn’t much less valid than mine… just that I think the release time of mine is between yours and Mangosteen’s, so I’m closer to his chronologically.


I have the Creative Nomad Jukebox Zen Extra, and I can copy MP3s from it to my hard drive by simply browsing to it with Explorer (into the ‘Zen Xtra Media Explorer (for PlaysForSue devices)’ “directory”, and copying as if it were simply another drive.

This might only be possible if you had upgraded it to the ‘Plays For Sure’ firmware. If you haven’t upgraded to that yet, DO NOT UPGRADE. If I recall correctly, the upgrade process wipes out the device’s disk, and you’ll lose all your MP3s.

FYI, the term ‘MP3’ refers to the type of file the song is stored as, and not the playing device.

I have a Nomad Zen Extra as well, and to copy files from it to your computer you’ll need to have Creative’s software installed on that computer. It’s just an add-on to Windows Explorer - when I have my Nomad plugged in and on, it shows up as a device in Explorer, and I can just browse it (and copy / delete files) like I could any directory on my computer. I don’t have the “Plays For Sure” firmware that Revtim mentioned, either.

It’s possible with the Zen Micro. I don’t remember exactly how, but I did it using the Creative software that came with the player. I usually don’t use that software, but I’ll look agains and see if I can figure out how I did it. I do know I did it to copy the music from the player to a single folder on the computer hard drive. I then upgraded the firmware onthe player (deleting all the music on the Zen Micro). Once the firmware was upgraded, I simply downloaded the folder back to the player. It was far easier than writing down what songs I had and reloading them album by album.