Urban legends - why do some people keep repeating them?

And almost everyone likes to think there’s someone more stupid than themselves. Some people have to reach down to Orangello’s parents because everyone else is above them.

I heard that people repeat urban legends because there is a virus going around that causes people to lose critical thinking skills, and simply repeat whatever crap they hear.

It’s true! My uncle was friends with a guy in the CIA who was tracking this virus as it swept across North America. It was developed by the Russians during the cold war, and got out of the lab by accident.

I think the point of many of these legends is that the parents are not merely stupid, they’re stupid and pretentious. I mean, it doesn’t take much intelligence to just name your kid Bob or Susie, but the legendary parent who’s both stupid and…well…“uppity” goes for a name like Chlamydia that they think sounds sophisticated but is actually ridiculously inappropriate.

The legendary mother of Lemonjello and Oranjello probably is just meant to be stupid though, since she apparently couldn’t think of any names for her babies and just called them after the hospital’s dessert of the day.

Nothing strange or quirky about this one. It’s an Arabic girl’s name meaning something along the lines of “eminent, lofty,” or “supreme.” I have a coworker with this name, and she pronounces it “ESS-muh.”

It was surfing for info on an urban legend that led me to the Straight Dope site. :slight_smile:

My friends and I often share urban legends and ghost stories because we enjoy them. But I tend to regret the ghost stories (and movies) when I’m alone at night. :smiley:

Imho, there’s relatively a very small group of people in the world who think truth is important. Most of them are on these boards.

Let’s not fall into the trap of thinking black folks have the market cornered on stupid names.

Personally, I rather call someone Orangello than:

Pilot Inspektor (son of Beth Riesgraf & Jason Lee)

Fifi-Trixibelle (daughter of Paula Yates & Bob Geldof)

Audio Science (son of Shannyn Sossaman & Dallas Clayton)

When I taught riding lessons (horses) I had ordinary middle class white kids as students named:


Paris (England’s little bro, and yes it was where each was conceived)

Mystic (last name Powers)


and I knew a girl named Hurricane.

Bet she was a blast…