US athletes told not to wave flag at Olympics??

I know the majority view on this board is that the Iraqi war is bad, that Bush is bad, etc.

However, telling amateur athletes representing their country that they cannot celebrate their wins by waving the flag of the country they represent just torques me off.

I don’t agree with what a lot of countries do, but hell, if their athletes win, wave that flag, baby! You’ve earned it. And that includes our USA team.

Our current administration and armed forces have embarassed us slightly?

Nothing a charming athlete or two can’t help fix…

“…charm offensive…” :confused: Isn’t that some kind of oxymoron?

I think an extra big heaping of humility and subtlety is in order. Shit. I wouldn’t even go to the Olympics this year if I was an athlete. As it stands, Greece has their own share of problems. The security is going to be unbelievably tight, but there’s some bad joo-joo out there and it has our name on it.

They’re trying to avoid having athletes acting like unsportsmanlike idiots, as seen here:

Perhaps they should also tank the contests and let others win.

I’m surprised they’re not actually doing this.

So fucking stupid. All the ways to heal our global image and this is what they come up with?

Anyone who watched the last round of summer games and is an American should understand why they requested this. Last time, several athletes in several different sports acted really, really embarassing…and we were on good(better) terms with the world at-large then. They should teach these fucks a little humility and force them to pass a test on how to behave in the public eye before getting on stage and flapping their plumage all around in front of the rest of the world.

Mind you, I’m not saying they can’t behave how they want to-that’s their right. I’m just saying they went over the top last time and I hope it doesn’t happen so much this time around.


Did other countries act in an unsportsmanlike manner?

Yes, and let’s do this with sports in general. No more celebration of victory. No applause for the winners. Replace cheer leaders with mourn leaders, and let us tiptoe quietly to the parking lot whenever our team wins. The only exception to this should be the Carolina Panthers and the Charlotte Bobcats.

Did other countries illegally invade a third world nation for no good reason and then commit heinous war attrocities on its persons?

The thing is that we’ve squandered just about all of the good will we ever deserved, and to go and act arrogant in another international forum will only hurt our credibility more.

Athletes are not being told not to be proud of their achievements and occasionally wave the Stars and Stripes. They are being told not to start an international incident by acting like in-your-face arrogant pricks. In the best of times, I don’t think it’s too much to ask athletes to show a little humility, and these aren’t the best of times.

Reread the link again to see how far off the mark your comments are. You’re clearly not getting it.

Precisely. I mean, when they dole out the medals, we get to stand a little higher than everyone else and they drape a flag that’s larger than some of the competing nations, fercrissakes. Is that not enough? We need to learn to put a cork in it.

And another thing. If you’re going to look at the Olympics as a goodwill event, great. But when you get down to it, it’s just us putting sports in a ridiculously more important light than it deserves. We need to show the world kindness, understanding, humility, and grace. Not that we’re the fastest runners, highest jumpers, and best swimmers. The world already knows that. And it’s trivial.

THe keyword, Lib, is humility. One should not strip down to near-nakedness, and celebrate by wrapping himself in the flag and posing in myriad positions, all suggesting “I beat you motherfuckers, and I am the BEST athlete on the field. THe rest of you aren’t shit”. One can celebrate without being insulting or so arrogant that it prompts people around the globe requesting that the athlete issue an apology.

I believe there was one other incident involving another country, but on the whole, most other athletes know how to behave, how to accept the honor of winning a gold medal.

I’m generally pretty forgiving about these things, but the athletes who acted in this way during the last games really went over the line-Specifically the track athletes in the link above.


Refresh my memory on this — was it the sprinters or the swimmers who invaded Iraq and committed attrocities?

Forgive me, tdn, but I don’t see how that’s the point. These are amateur athletes, not politicians or Pentagon officials, who are going to represent us at the Olympics. I don’t see how the swim team has any say in national defense matters.

Should we flaunt victory in the face of our competition and say “Neener neener neener, we won!” No, of course not. But neither do I think that Team USA should act ashamed when we win, and slink off the field as quickly as possible, hiding the medals under our shirts.

Oh, come now. To the rabid Muslims in the streets of Mecca shouting “Death to Americans”, do you think it much matters?

For that matter, during the height of the Cold War, did many Americans have a lot of good will towards Russian athletes? Did we really draw much distinction between the athletes and the Evil Commies? People will see the flag and make generalizations. During the invasion of Afghanistan, I don’t remember many Americans commenting on how it was at least not the hockey players in the tanks.

Many foreigners see Americans as arrogant jerks. If they see athletes act like arrogant jerks and carrying the American flag, what sort of opinion do you think they’re going to form from that? “Wow, look at the arrrogant sprinters and swimmers! At least they’re not American policy makers!”

Absolutely, there are only two diametrically opposed choices here, and we should not even consider the possibility of a middle ground. :rolleyes:

Is there, at least, theoretically, a position we could take that resembles “Be proud but don’t be a jerk about it”?

THis is exactly my point. Our athletes need not strut around like peacocks getting ready to mate after winning the gold. They also need not slink off of the podium and act funerary.

There is a very comfortable middle ground that encompasses MANY different emotions and displays of emotion without being offensive.
