US Congressman Trey Radel (R-FL) arrested for cocaine possession.


Well, at least he’s not gay, so he can keep that “family values” banner, right? :rolleyes:

A Freshman eh? So this doesn’t fall under a privilege of youth?

There’s only one honorable response the Republican Party can offer to this, and I for one believe they will do it:

They must immediately submit a bill to repeal Obamacare.


I wonder if he voted for drug testing welfare recipients?

Has he apologized yet and promised to go into rehab?? Surely he wasn’t responsible… :rolleyes:

I thought this sort of thing only happened in Canada!

I’m sure his search for redemption will involve his Lord and Savior being repeatedly praised in public. He could go the “reformed sinner become preacher” route and still keep his 6-figure income… it’s a win-win! :wink:

Has Fox reported this yet? Did they (over zealous Fox staffers) put a D in front of his name?

Of course he’s not responsible. :rolleyes: You know who is? That one! Duh!

No but it’s buried halfway down the page.

This was my first thought!

They tried to make him go to rehab, but he said no, no, no.

I pulled this from the honorable congressman’s webpage earlier today:

Well, there’s the problem. That show airs at five am. A guy’s gonna need a little pick-me-up if he’s working those hours.

Fox news is reporting it was planted on him by a gay man wearing an Obamacare T-shirt.

Three guesses, first two don’t count!

[sarcasm] Doesn’t count, he’s not on welfare/food stamps. [/sarcasm]
From the linked article.

So he cures alcoholism with cocaine?

That’s why they call it the crack of dawn.

You, sir, are funny.

According to Craig Ferguson, back in his alcoholic youth he used to use cocaine on occasion not because he liked it, but because it helped him drink more without losing consciousness.