US Navy rescues 13 Iranian hostages

The US Navy has rescued 13 Iranian hostages from Somali pirates.

Good job!

Pirates are vermin.

Yes, and yes. Handy wee bit of politics too.

I had flashbacks to The Cole incident.

Luring us in to offer help rescue someone from pirates would be an easy trap.

I’m thankful it worked out ok. We got a chance to help when it was needed. I recall around 99 or maybe 2000 there was a serious earthquake in Iran. We sent some aid workers in and helped them.

Maybe someday the message will get through that we don’t have cloven feet, tails, and horns.

For shits and giggles, they should drop off the pirates in Iran.

Where do they take them? Actually, dropping them off in Iran makes sense. They committed a crime against Iranian citizens. If you don’t want to be tried in a country with a draconian justice system, don’t commit crimes against that country.

ETA: Here’s a post article. Good job Navy.

If we took the hostages back to Iran, they haven’t been rescued yet.

I believe the fishermen got back on their boat and (presumably) sailed home. I suppose if any had asked for asylum we would have entertained the request, but why would they? This is Iran, not North Korea. The place needs serious political reform, but it’s as possible to lead a happy and productive life there as it is in many other places