I’m trying to hash out a rather important proposal, and in going through my notes for it, I have that the US vehicle fleet produces some 3-5% of the total global greenhouse gases and that the transportation sector as a whole produces 8% of global GHG emissions, but, and this is the key part: I didn’t write down where I found that information! In Googling, all I’ve been able to pull up is the percentage of US GHG emissions which are produced by cars. I need a reputable (and by “reputable” I mean government or well respected environmental group) cite for this. Can anyone point me to one, since my google-fu is lacking?
Anyone? Anyone? Beullllllllllller?
If you know the percentage of US GHGs the auto fleet contributes, and you know the percentage the US contributes globally, can you extrapolate?
I find NOAA is usually a good online source for information like that you are looking for. You might want to search through their pages. Otherwise, several issues in Scientific America have dealt with this in the last few years.
You might want to Email or PM jshore, there is a good chance he can point you in the right direction.
I missed the edit window: Try this EPA PDF: Climate Change | US EPA
The Department of Energy also makes such estimations.
Probably, but I’ve got a pretty tight page limit and if I show my work like that, then that will eat into the space I need for the real meat of the matter.
I’ll take a gander at the linked PDFs to see if they have the info.