On another mb someone’s username is ’
'. This is bound to mess up the code of anyone quoting that member. He knows this as his member text is “F**king up your quotes since day 1”.
Just thought I’d mention this.
:eek: Glad the SDMB has higher standards than that.
I’d say Mr./Ms. **
** is clever and has a sense of humor.
While Lobsang is the board’s official wet blanket.
But both are welcome. Live and let live. It takes all kinds to create a slow server.
'. This is bound to mess up the code of anyone quoting that member. He knows this as his member text is “F**king up your quotes since day 1”.
You do know that it’s trivially simple to work around this? coughASCIIcough
Oh for fuck’s sake! :smack:
Caught in Lobsang’s insidious trap!
IANAmod, but I think it’s reasonable to say that the Powers that Be would consider such a username to be “jerkish”. And I think it’s also reasonable to say that even if the username itself wasn’t enough, that the person who did such a thing would be likely to be jerkish in other ways adequate for banning. No point in worrying about it until it happens, and even then, there’s no point in worrying for very long.
Wet Blanket? I mentioned it because I found it amusing.
(but it’s also slightly jerkish. But then again the board in question is 95% jerks)
snicker @ NoClueBoy I used html code to ‘test’ a quote of his username in the other mb.
p.s. If you replace a [ with it’s html code and then preview, the vb software replaces your html code with the [ in the post composure screen.
‘NoClueBoy’??? WTF! Damn I am tired! I mean’t Q.E.D.
Vanity search ahoy!!!
The really weird thing about this is, I didn’t vanity search. (this time ) I just wanted to see what Lobbers was talking about with that odd thread title and I got sucked into the maelstrom of message board surrealism.
and when I see NoClueBoys’ name at the end of a thread, I know it’ll be something good to read.
Thank you for the Valentine’s Card!
You’re welcome!
I only post in the good threads. And sometimes in the other ones. But never more than once every 60 seconds.
Every now and then I review the new poster list, and if I saw something like that, yeah, that would set off a red flag. I’d ban that person as soon as I saw it, because anyone who did that would, in my opinion, be doing it simply to mess with people’s posts.
Not that it matters, being all hypothetical here, but I believe **
** was not trying to mess up other people’s quotes, but was simply a side effect.
If it’s on the board I’m thinking of, the name appeared just as something clever.
Only after it was discovered people had trouble quoting it did the sig appear, which I read as fair warning to preview. (On that mb swearing is more common.)
Some people simply want a name to be memorable, and the use of posting codes makes a poster seem wired into the medium.
I often wish I’d picked a cleverer name, but at the time I wasn’t wired into the medium, but just wired ( )
do you use beer?
Or ruse bees?