Vaguely satisfying

There are some little things in life that satisfy me. They’re not big and they’re not clever but I like them anyway. Top of this list at the moment is making that wiggly red line that appears under spelling mistakes in Word disappear.

Typing away in my thrilling office job, I often look up and see that the angry God of Spelling has marked His outrage with this wiggly red line and so I sigh, and go back to appease and correct it. Clicky up, clicky along, making my way towards the Offence, I once again change my teh to the*. This is where the satisfying bit happens – the red line disappears and I feel as if the God of Spelling has looked and said

“Lo, for you have corrected your mistake. I bow down to your wisdom and remove my Mark of Ire.”

And I have a little smile inside. Not a very big one, because that would be weird, but it’s vaguely satisfying anyway. What do you have in your day that you find vaguely satisfying?


*[sub]Yes, I do know I can set it so that it automatically corrects common typos, but sometimes I want to say teh[/sub]

I like making those little squiggly lines go away too.
I’m so happy. Last night I got to go to my friend’s house and hang out with friends and watch fireworks. I have red, white, and blue toenails. (rolling eyes Yeah, I know) I’m about to go fix myself some soup. It’s a sunny day outside. My friend Ryan is stopping by later, and until then I get to sit, and read, and listen to music, and do NOTHING! I’m so excited.

This is what I call vaguely satisfying.

Btw, the demon who inserts typos into your text when you turn your back is the horrid TYPO FAIRY! She lurks everywhere!

Fran, let me be the first to say that despite, nay BECAUSE, of your little idiosycrasies with spelling; you ROCK!

I’m glad you’re here!:smiley:

Fran, let me be the first to say that despite, nay BECAUSE, of your little idiosyncrasies with spelling; you ROCK!

I’m glad you’re here!:smiley:


Wow, thanks. You’re pretty cool yourself. :slight_smile:


Uh, maybe you should get some bubble wrap to pop or something?
I personally hate the Microsoft spelling checker…I’ve caught it trying to “correct” my spelling and make it incorrect. Sheesh. And half the time it doesn’t know simple, obvious words, so I’m stuck with a wiggly red line for no good reason.
But enough with the hijack. I like checking the boxes on the To Do list on my Handspring Visor and making them go away. Yay!

I like running winipcfg and seeing the computer get an IP address from the DHCP server when I click “Renew”.

I like cracking my jaw, and knowing that after it goes >crunch!< it won’t bother me for at least another ten minutes.

Ah, Fran, I hate that little spellchecker dude. I work in a technical job and the spellchecker dude does not like my technical terms. And I don’t want to have to add them all to my dictionary, so I learned to ignore squiggly red lines. Whether I should or not. :frowning:

What I find vaguely satisfying? Checking things off my to do list. Balancing my checkbook to the penny. Crafting a well-written document. Having someone I’m teaching or training “get” what they are doing.