Valar Hiatus: The Game of Thrones offseason thread

You don’t buy that it makes sense? You’re sticking by “it just makes no sense”?

People seem really hung up on this specific point despite it being completely wrong. To Dany, they were neither innocent nor were they civilians. To her they were enemy combatants. She said this explicitly, out loud.

You can’t just toss it aside with a “she was just kidding.” Her statements weren’t “fake news.”

One very consistent feature of Dany throughout the entire series was NOT that she cared about innocent civilians. She cared about slaves; particularly freeing them. The people of King’s Landing weren’t slaves. That means they had free will to choose who to follow, and they chose to follow Cersei. Thus, they were her mortal enemies. Of course she roasted them, every single one.

Absolutely – even the children and babies were loyal followers of Cersei

That’s what’s so bizarre to me about this line of argument - you have a character who repeatedly states out loud with no indication that they’re lying how and who she views enemies, that she plans to burn people and tear down cities, and that she will crush anyone who stands against her. But having a character clearly state out loud that they want to do X and believe person Y is an enemy apparently just isn’t enough.

I’ll say it again, S8 had a lot of issues, but the claim that Dany is acting out of character for doing things she has said, out loud, that she wants to do, treating enemies harshly like she has done for the entire series, and treating people that she has said, out loud, are enemies as enemies is not one of them.

If there’s any silver lining to this #$%^&! pandemic, it’s that GRRM is writing again: Game of Thrones' George R. R. Martin Returns to Writing amid Coronavirus

So the real ending is going to involve Dany dying of the dragonavirus?

He reminds me of Lucy and the football with Charlie Brown. Maybe after Charlie kicks the ball he will put out a new book.

Hafthor Bjornsson – Gregor “the Mountain” Clegane – breaks the deadlift world record 1,104 lb (501kg)


That’s like picking up a small car. Is the bar even supposed to bend like that?

Supposedly he has written 5 chapters


5 chapters in 9 years. It will be out around the year 2100.

He has a new comic book out!!!

George R.R. Martin’s A Clash Of Kings: The Comic Book Vol. 2 #5

Sophie Turner (Sansa) gives birth to a girl, the name has a GoT connection, though I don’t know if that is why it was picked: Willa


A visit to Iceland, filming location for GOT and many other shows and movies: For dramatic Iceland scenes, thank this daring helicopter pilot | CNN

Willa in the series is a serving girl in one episode of Season 8 so not really of much importance, Wylla is the supposed serving girl who was spoken as to be Jon Snow’s mother in the books (assuming it’s ok to speak of them here now). By the normal standards of asoiaf one of the better treated women…

I was thinking Ned Stark’s fling, forgetting the spelling. Ms Turner could have named the kid after her but it could have no connection to GoT (though it does seem an odd coincidence)


Millie Bobby Brown was turned down for a GOT role. I guess the daughter of Cersei?

Just finished George R.R. Martin’s 1977 sf novel Dying of the Light . Very bleak, but interesting and well-written. The audiobook is read by Iain Glen, best known to Game of Thrones fans as Ser Jorah Mormont. He did a fine job.