At around 3:30 in the afternoon during the work week, the Metro train system in Washington, D.C. is completely overrun by school-age children.
There are days when this isn’t a problem. Sure, the kids will talk loudly, congregate in groups, and generally be a little disruptive. But it’s not a real problem; they’re kids, and most people don’t pay them much attention.
But O verily, lead me not to the Valley of the Little Shits, by which name it hath becometh known. The behavior level of the kids has been bad far more often than good. In short, the kids treat the train as if it were their own personal school bus.
So here’s my opinion on the problem:
Kids should be banned from the public train system unless accompanied by an adult.
Now, wait, before you jump my case, let me try to justify this somewhat.
When on the train, these kids - and believe you me, it’s not just 2 or 3, it’s hundreds - exhibit such poor behavior that one is led to question their parents’ relation… to the human race. They throw things at each other, including themselves. They get in fights. They yell from one end of a car clear to the other end. They push, they shove, and generally are obnoxious little shits.
It’s very difficult for any adult to ride the train with these jerks on the same car.
Now, I know what you may be thinking. Hey, dantheman, I pay my taxes. My kids have a right to ride the train.
Yes, they do. And so do I, of course. But neither of us has the right to flout train rules, as well as the laws of the District itself.
For example, earlier this week a motley group of festering sores ate an entire Burger King meal on the train.
Ha, ha, you people from outside the D.C. area say. So what? I take my Big Mac on there all the time. Burp.
On Metro trains, eating is forbidden. In fact, it’s a jailable offense. Wasn’t too long ago that they were enforcing this rigidly, to the point where a kid eating a candy bar was tossed in the clink.
But nothing, no enforcement by authorities at any point. In fact, I haven’t heard anything in the news about Metro’s policies in a long time (people were upset that kids were being jailed, despite numerous warnings and ubiquitous signs). My guess is that because of the outrage, Metro decided not to push the issues. As a result, we have dirty trains and obnoxious little shits.
Okay, you say. So the kids are creeps. So what? Be more tolerant, you prick.
Here’s the thing, though. If this took place on a Metro bus, the driver would be well within his rights to kick the offending person - be they adult or little shit - right off the bus. They don’t tolerate bad behavior there, do they? I’d think not. And if this took place on an actual school bus, you can bet your ass the driver would yell at the offending little shit - and report him to the principal, who would then punish said little shit.
So why can’t we punish these particular little shits?
Keeping kids off the trains would make the trains
[li]quieter[/li][li]more comfortable[/li][li]and cleaner[/li][/ul]
It would even make them safer, to a degree - some of these little shits ain’t so little once they hit puberty, if ya know what I mean.
And keeping them off the trains would even make it easier for adults to get on the trains. I’m tired of seeing these assholes run out of the train and then run back in another door, preventing five or six people from getting in before doors close. The little shits swarm over the platform as one waits for the next train, pushing each other, making it tough for people to even walk by to get to the other end. It’s a wonder little shits don’t wind up on the tracks.
There are, of course, some very compelling arguments to NOT ban the little shits from the trains, not the least of which is one of practicality - how are the little shits going to get to school?
I bet most of them could walk. Uphill, both ways. No, seriously. Don’t give me that look! If the school’s close enough, why not? Hell, aren’t more kids obese now than ever? Make the little shits walk a little - what’s a few blocks, if that’s what it is?
For those for whom walking is a problem (either it’s too far or they’re incapacitated in some way), maybe busing would be okay. I would assume this number would be light, though.
My “demand” is not a practical one. I really just wanted to rant about how rotten these kids are. And as I stated, it’s NOT one kid or even one group of kids. It’s a whole friggin colony of the little shits. They’re like spores, or something; every time I turn around, there’s 15 more.
(Hell, maybe Metro could offer a new farecard for kids only, and these cards would be distributed only by the schools or Metro itself to deserving kids.)
Yesterday’s trip home was pretty bad. I spent much of the time with some fat little shit sitting next to me, crowding me, apologizing once and then continuing to take up 87% of my seat while talking to 12 of his nearest and dearest friends all over the train car. Oh, and he passed gas at least once. Oh, and pushed and shoved at least a few people while sitting there (they were walking down the aisle).