I forgot this was coming back tonight. Can someone please spoil the first 15 minutes for me? I came in on Eva weeping in the morgue over Agent Kinney’s slain body. Which, by the way, wow, they really did kill him.
Come on, no one else watched?
I saw it. The first part was basically setting up Eddie Cibrian’s character as über-agent. Also, we saw how the sentator’s pilot had one of those tatoos around his wrist, so we knew something was gonna happen.
I think the long hiatus was crappy for the show, it took a while for me to get re-connected with all the characters. Even though it was unusual to have the main character killed seven episodes in a new show, and it had to take some guts, I don’t think that was wise either. Now, who’s gonna be the main protagonist?
Cibrian was listed as “guest star” which makes me wonder if there is another agent coming down the line and he’s getting set up to be killed too.
Just watched it (Tivo) and I must say… killing off Harold Gale is going to make me much less interested in watching the show.