I posted a lengthy reply in a thread last night about the effect of carbon dioxide on the pH of rainwater (as compared to other manmade atmospheric pollutants).
I don’t recall who the OP was, but my reply was in response to a post made by Q.E.D. Anyway, I was attempting to find the thread today, and the entire thread has apparently vanished!
The thread was in GQ, I believe, and was not in any way controversial. Does anybody know what happened?
But, really, doesn’t that sort of thing just encourage them?
Isn’t a deleted thread “trouble”?
I see there are two deleted threads being complained about today.
It seems to be punishing robby and Q.E.D. and having no effect on the troublemaker, who as you point out will just return.
Why not do what Lynn said on a nearby thread here and change the status to banned, suspended or Asshat?
Then their words can be discounted as worthless, but robby and Q.E.D.'s elaborate valid answers will still be readable by the teeming millions.