Vanity, thy name is SolGrundy

Dude, when was the last time you had to try and get a date with a gay boy?!*

*yes, yes, I know. For humour purposes only. But still.

You’re preachin’ to the choir if you’re talkin’ to me brother. I likes the hair and I think unibrows are sexy.
-swampbear (why, yes, I do happen to be among the unibrowed)

Do you get offers from every one of your female friends offering to pluck/wax/shave your unibrow for you? It seems that way for me. Bothers me too. I’m capable with a razor just like any female.

Sol I’m a “goat lover” here so I’d have to say I like you better with it. I know I’d like the way it would tickle my flesh especially in the private areas. :o

When I was 16, lesbians held me down and forcibly plucked my eyebrows, so I have a little bit of a trauma around that one too.
No, I’m not kidding.

You purposefully set that up so that someone would feel compelled to come along and say, “I’ve got to hear the story behind that,” didn’t you? :slight_smile:

Well, consider yourself asked!

Seriously. I’m flexible on the goatee, but I stand firm on the unibrow. Eyebrows are effin’ hot, the bushier the better.

That goes for women, too. Frieda Kahlo has the sexiest eyebrows I’ve ever seen.

The guy that cuts my hair (who also happens to be a good friend) always wants to trim up the unibrow. He begs me to let him do it. I tell him, touch one hair and I know through the cord on your clippers right up and through your hand. He knows I probably would so he won’t touch it.

I’ve never had it plucked (owie!) but everytime somebody has trimmed it it just grows back thicker. I am such a Neanderthal! :smiley:

What’s there to tell? There were lesbians, they held me down, they plucked my eyebrows. I don’t think you can get more precise than that.

Mine isn’t that bad, though… I have pretty light eyebrows.

Warning - Unibrow picture


I don’t normally look like that, though. That was the night in Germany where I bought 3 6-packs of beer and came home with 1. Bottle.

I’ve been on the fence over whether or not I should weigh-in on this. Most people seem to like the goat. Here’s my opinion:

With: You look like a professor. Smart, distinguished, dependable.

Without: You look much younger. “Cuter”, more likely to be hitting the clubs than reading Milton.

Final summation: You’re smart enough that you don’t need accessories to prove it. Keep it off and have the best of both worlds.