Vegas Dopefest, or Boinkfest?

Allright, I want pictures. I want rumor and innuendo. I want to know who got most drunk, who lost the most moeny, and who was the big winner wink.

Fess up!!

I would also like to know who won the most money as well.

All in good time, my friend. Techie will be sifting through the blackmail materials as soon as she can.

Big winner was Silo, biggest loser isn’t talking.

Nobody got drunk, that I could tell.

TEHE – fun, fun, fun!!!

I will be posting an update from my standpoint soon, I just downloaded all the pictures I have – 125 total took about 15 minutes.

Let’s just say you those of you that didn’t make it will be very sorry you didn’t get to go once you see the pictures.

It was:

belly dancing
boxer shorts
(da) bomb
bing, bing, bing, bing, bing

I hope to get pictures up by tomorrow night, I am too pooped to work on graphics right now.

BTW, I forgot to add.

It was unanimous amongst the Dopers there.

Vegas Dopefest will be an annual trip – open to all Dopers. However, we are thinking rather than Labor Day weekend possibly doing this over a three day weekend (no holiday weekend though – too busy).

SO, please note that I will be working towards a target date in the next several weeks.


I’m not telling…

I just wanna know if anyone had to go “change”.

There was a lot of stooking going on if that is what you are asking.

< giggle >

BTW, I’m not saying anything either.

Am I the only one who would like to know what “Stooking” is?

I had to “change” several times, but I still remained the same…

I’ll be blunt: Any crazy circus sex?? That’s all I wanna know.

I just got back an hour and a half later than I wanted to, thanks to the joys of Bay area driving. (I was a half hour ahead of schedule when I entered Gilroy…took me two friggin hours to get through that pustule on the buttocks of the bay. Grrrrrr.)

As for what happened? Why we had a nice little tea party in the tea house, and then a quiet pizza dinner in Techchick’s room…Mind you this is the story I’m sticking to…Oh, right pictures…Ok. We had a blast. :stuck_out_tongue:

The main thing I learned is never gloat that you just won $100 to someone you know who is playing the slots as well…Silo, I want my luck back.

Yeah, stook, stook, stook!

Show up next year to find out more!

Well I had to go “change” my 40 lb. bucket of silver dollars for cash. :smiley: