Verdi's Requiem

Okay, so I had to share this and get some affirmation that I didn’t just throw away $383. I don’t think I threw the money away; I think it was a wise investment, considering my age (young) and position (employed & paid well) now compared to where I will probably be the rest of my life (theatre actress).

I got a bonus from work which was absolutely HUGE. Well, from my tiny perspective anyway - it was a lot of money to receive in one lump sum. So, I decided to splurge and nab the last box seats (central seats, not even on the sides) to the April performance of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra & Chicago Symphony Chorus performing Verdi’s Requiem in its entirety. I decided that I didn’t know when such an opportunity would arise again and so I jumped on it.

I believe this will not be just a classical music concert by the greatest symph. orch. in the world today, but a mind-blowing experience. Ever since I bought the tickets last week, all I listen to is this piece and its all I can think about.

Am I just nuts?

ummmmm…I clean up pretty good…
Can I be your date?
::turns on Verdi’s Requiem and hums along::

Tell you what, if my SO drives me so crazy that I dump him between now & then, you’ll be the first person I track down! :smiley: That might not be so unrealistic - last week we were on the verge of killing each other and all I could think of was “But who would I take to the CSO with me?”. I wonder if that’s a bad sign? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, you really wasted some money there. Seriously, I can’t imagine anyone wanting to see, hear, or experience the CSO. And who wants to spend an evening having their mind blown by Chicago’s brass? As a bass trombonist, certainly not I.

However, I’m a real gentleman, and I am always willing to help a lady. Ask any female around here; some of them think so much of me they don’t want to ruin our friendship by dating! I’d be willing to take those awful tickets off your hands so you can forget about the whole thing. You, your SO, and MikeG can all go see a movie-- maybe one of those romantic comedies, or Hannibal. Or go bowling. I’m here to help.


Wooo! Rebound date!!! Best offer in a while ;)[sub]them rebounders are frisky!!![/sub]
I’ll even drive…

Seriously you will have a blast, the CSO is amazing…where are you dining beforehand? I have lots of suggestions if you need them. Make a night of it!

What!? You spent all that money when you could’ve come see my group perform Verdi’s Requiem at Gammage auditorium on April 20, for FREE??

Seriously though, I don’t think you’re nuts. This is going to be a once-in-a-lifetime (or, at least, probably a very-seldom-in-a-lifetime) experience. I imagine you’re always going to have fond memories of that performance.

Awww thanks guys!

Neil, tell you what, you pay me double and then I might consider letting you “have” the tickets. :wink:

MikeG, where would you reccommend for dinner? We were just going to do Wendy’s on the drive down from Milwaukee, but I would much prefer actually going out to dinner. So, any suggestions of places that are nice but decently affordable would be appreciated!

Strainger, what sort of group are you in? And where is Gammage auditorium?

Verdi’s Requiem? I wanna go!

:packs up TroubleAgain along with Strainger, MikeG and Neil:

You guys can sit under our chairs!


Wasted your money? Hell no. *Pucette and I heard the Requiem at Carnegie Hall two or three years ago. Sir Colin Davis conducted.

My ears are still ringing.

Ah yes, the other concert I was considering attending…the London Symphony Orchestra, conducted by the immutable Sir Colin Davis…in Chicago. I debated between the two choices for quite some time! There is still the consideration of getting crappy seats, but still going to see the LSO and SCD. I would certainly love to go!


::looks at her puny little front row balcony tickets for Orlando Opera’s “The Marriage of Figaro” for tonight::
Wanna trade?

Box seats to CSO.
I am sooooo jealous.

You’re jealous? I’m jealous! And I’m the one going! LOL
I’m still in shock that I was able to have the bucks for it and that the tickets were available! Woohoo!

It’s that part of the brain that keeps knocking me on the head saying “hellloooo - you should have put that $$ towards your tuition for this semester!” So all this shared-excitement helps remind me that you’re only young once!!


Ingemisco, tamquam reus!!!

Culpa rubet vultus meus
Supplicanti parce, Deus

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

If by pay “double” you mean double zero, yeah, we’ve got a deal. I’m a bit strapped for cash, you see.
I wouldn’t mind sitting under your chair, though. Two shows for the price of one. And did I say I was a gentleman? I meant creepy pervert. :slight_smile:


who really, really, should get some sleep.

I don’t know what the accoustics are like in Chicago, but in Houstons Jones Hall the best seats for hearing classical concerts is the last row of the balcony. It also has the advantage of being the least expensive seats in the joint. (It is hard to see the performers, it’s not good for Opera and Musicals for that reason.) It always would blow the ticket sellers minds when I’d ask for the last row even when there were closer seats avialable.

However, that said, for Verdi’s Requiem I’d sprng for the box seats also. The entire expierience would be worth it.

Put my name into the hat for your escort. I’ll even buy the champangne! :smiley:

[chanting] Pie Iesu domine, dona eis requiem.
Pie Iesu domine,…
…dona eis requiem.
Pie Iesu domine,…
…dona eis requiem

I don’t see what’s so great about spending that much money to see Holy Grrraaailll leftovers hitting their heads in selfabassment while…
…Wait, you said Verdi’s Requim? I’m sorry, my mistake. Have a truly mindblowing experience. Send us all a post describing the performance with great detail.

(I’m such a jealous bastard.) :wink:

What kind of champagne, revedge?? I love a good Brut!

Neil, Neil, Neil - I do hope you got some rest…and dreamt of viewing operas from beneath ladies’ gowns. :wink:

And Wolverine, I know I know that seeing the Monty Pythhons in action would be so much better than seeing the CSO do Verdi, but I guess I have to live with my mistakes, right? :wink: Thanks for being jealous…nobody has ever been jealous of me before!!



Not even inches away and already forgotten. Sniff. :frowning: