Veronica Mars Movie - maybe

I’m a recent convert to Veronica Mars,, so I’m definitely psyched for a movie. Maybe not psyched enough to see it in a theater, but I’ll definitely check it out eventually.

This will finally motivate me to watch the third season. I watched the first two on DVD and liked them both, but since I’d heard mixed things about the final season, I’ve been dragging my feet.

Done! $2,013,820.

If it gets a lot of negative hype, it may be overdone. It’s certainly a long way from being bad. It suffers in part from the shorter story-arcs, but I think the show is still worth it.

I had a really horrible no good very bad day, so this was very welcome news. The video was the only bright spot of my day.

$2.5 M as of this posting. They are looking to add more rewards.

They had 30 days to raise 2M. Theye did it in 30 hours.

I’m guessing it will slow down (I think most kickstarters earn the most at the very beginning and at the very end), but still go up. 4M? 5?


It’s crazy that they have auto-updating amounts, you don’t need to refresh, so you can actually see how many pledges they were getting every ten seconds.

I hope a couple of my favourite shows get to have a movie funded in this way. Or, at least, I think I hope that.

I could see this going to $10M if they sort out the international pledge rewards and come up with a few more big-money incentives. I suspect there are over a thousand overseas people who pledged at $10 who will jump on anything higher up that gets them free stuff; when those go live you’ll see a serious spike.

That said, I can’t believe that **everything **above $400 is gone, including the $10,000 level for a cameo as a waiter/waitress. Some people really like this show.

Hmm. I’ve never seen Veronica Mars, but this is certainly an interesting concept for funding a movie. Here’s CNN Money’s article on the project: Veronica Mars Kickstarter pledges top $1M in record time

And now for the long-craved Firefly second movie…

Well I guess that question has been answered.

With the apparent success of this campaign, will we see more of this? Want to see Paul Rudd as an alcoholic driving instructor whose ex tells him he has a kid? Donate $10. If we reach $5 mil, Will Ferrell will play his crazy boss!

At this rate, they’re going to have the budget to make Veronica Mars actually on MARS.

I just started a thread on Kickstarting movies here.

4.6 M with a week to go. They are trying to get the most supporters for any kick starter (23,000 to go)


I never got around to watching the show when it was on, but based on this thread and the publicity surrounding the kickstarter campaign, I am now a big fan.

I went from being a VM virgin to watching all three seasons in the last week or so…and I just donated to the project. I really hope they can go back and revisit the San Diego locations, seeing my old haunts is one reason I enjoy the show. I used to jog and boogie board all the time at that beach (La Jolla Shores) and the hotel that Logan lived in was about a 5-minute walk from my apartment. If I had been hip at the time, I would’ve made an effort to see them when they were on location.

They added a $1 dollar pledge level, hopefully it will allow more folks to sign up before the deadline on the 14ths.

That reminds me of something. Back when the show was on, I always thought it’d be cool to have Ahnuld S do a small role, and finish his scene with “Move yoh ass, Veronica Mars!” (As a nod to “Get yoh ass to Mars” from Total Recall.)

I backed it for $10, the lowest level with a physical reward (a copy of the script)

Right now they are at $5.3 M and ~83,750 (trying to break 87,142) with 15 hours to go.

It will be close. Kickstarters usually do the best in the first and last day.


Right now it is at 87,475 making it the most backed kickstarter.

I promise no more posts until after it closes.

I’m surprised how much this interests me. While I liked the TV show, it wasn’t one of my person favorites or anything.


Never saw the show, as I said earlier, but this is a very cool funding concept, and I’m glad there’s now a new way to get fan-demanded movies made.

Thanks for the reminder, I was waiting for them to open support up to non US residents. I signed up for the $35 level so I can get my digital copy of the movie. It’s a little more than I normally would have paid but hey it comes with a tshirt, copy of the script and bragging rights as they have officially broken all Kickstarter records now.

Final Tally:
91,585 Backers

•Fastest project to reach $1 million.
•Fastest project to reach $2 million.
•All-time highest-funded project in FILM category.
•Third highest-funded project in Kickstarter history.
•Most project backers of any project in Kickstarter history

I don’t know both, but one kickstarter that gained more money was the pebble watch: (so theye didn’t break ALL kickstarter records)
