Very happy with Discourse

That’s what I dislike most about no pages. The in-thread search doesn’t actually highlight the terms you searched for, and if you manage to get to control-f, the term you’re searching for might not show up because it hasn’t pre-loaded. And if you want to go back and forth between different parts of the conversation, you can never be sure when it will randomly stop and sometimes not start again once it’s hit its secret reload threshold. Granted, it crashes less than in vB but that was more due to that particular setup than inherent advantages in pages versus no pages.

Now granted, in casual use in medium-length threads, no pages is slightly better because you don’t have to click the new page button several times. But the main good thing is that it doesn’t crash as much anymore.

I have a few quibbles, but overall I think it’s been a big improvement. Many thanks again to the late TubaDiva and the other SDMB TPTB for making it happen!

Mostly I’m pretty happy with Discourse, but mostly I was pretty happy with vBulletin, when it was working. I think that, overall, I prefer Discourse, but I do kinda miss the old board.

The long-necked board still uses vBulletin if you want a taste of the old ways.

I love how it brings me to the first post I haven’t read in a thread. Under the old system, I had to go to the end and work up until I saw familiar posts. (I have a feeling it was possible before to go to the first unread post, but I never figured out how.) This saves me much time and effort.

There was a new post button if there were new posts, but if you visited that subforum earlier (and you were logged in), it assumed you had read a thread even if you hadn’t opened it. Discourse is much better about that, IMO.


I would give anything for a functional “subscribed threads” list. Hopefully there’s an easy way to do it here on discourse, but the last time I thought that about a feature it turned out nope, discourse just doesn’t have that feature. At all. Literally no support whatsoever for forum-specific moderators.

So is there an easy way to get discourse to show me a list of:

  • Threads I’ve posted to or have “subscribed to” (“Watching”, I think?)
  • In order of last activity (most recent post by anyone, not just me)
  • With only ONE entry per thread in the list

I’ve messed around with the search but search keeps asking me for a search term. I don’t want the list filtered by a search term.

After around a month of regular use, my review is that the minilist that appears as soon as you click your icon in the top right doesn’t work; it only lists direct quotes and mentions of you. If I post a new thread and nobody directly quotes me or posts a mention of my name, I don’t think it will appear in that list. (Would mentioning myself work? Let’s try: @EllisDee)

Clicking my user icon => my name => Activity kinda sorta does it, but it only shows my posts and I get one entry for every post instead of thread. So that’s not really any better.

Anyone know how to achieve this? The User CP is the main way I’ve accessed the boards for years now.

Confirming that this doesn’t work; this thread didn’t appear at all in the minilist that pops up when I click my avatar in the upper right. So mentioning yourself won’t add a thread to that list.

This thread will be in that list now, though, I assume, since I’ve just directly quoted myself.

EDIT: Still no, this thread is still not showing up in that list. Looks like that list is only posts where somebody else directly replies to you or explicitly mentions your name with an @ symbol.

Yes - you can bookmark this search:

Yay! Thank you so much, that fills me with happies.

Actually, on second look, that doesn’t work. That only lists threads I created, not the ones I have posted in but didn’t start.

I’ll futz around with it but in the meantime if you know a way to include every thread I’ve posted in I’d be most grateful.

If you post in a thread, Discourse can automatically set it to ‘Watching’.

The setting is in your Profile > Preferences > Notifications > ‘When I post in a topic, set that topic to…’

You can manually set threads to ‘Watching’ too.

Watching is the closest to subscribing on the old board.

I can work with that, thanks much!

Yeah, Watching is the way to go for what you’re looking for – when you click on your icon in the upper right, it will show any activity in Watched threads since the last time you looked in the thread, one per thread, except if you’re replied to directly (like now), where it will show the reply as well, with little quote marks.

Yes, this seems to be exactly what I’ve been looking for, so I’m noticeably happier with discourse now than I had been for the past month. (Still on the “generally unhappy” side but much less unhappy. Progress!)

I set user preferences to mark all threads I post in to watching. Then I modified the search from “Watched” to “Posted In” and opened up each thread I’ve posted in since the changeover one by one and set them to watching.

A bit labor intensive but as long as the end result is that my bookmark is once again the equivalent of my old User CP bookmark, that works for me. And it appears it does.

I guess this watching / tracking deal means I won’t see notifications from threads I was subscribed to that went inactive before the changeover but now someone revives it, unless they revive it with a direct response to me?

That’s probably correct, so you’ll have to look at the sub-forum pages from time to time. I think you’ll see a new post count next to threads that you had contributed to before the changeover, so that might help make a revived thread stand out.

I do look at the forum pages proper, but I always start with any thread I’ve posted in and I had been having trouble even finding them, so was frustrated. This is much better now.

I kind of wish it would only include threads with new posts since I last opened them, but I’ll survive.

As for zombies that get bumped, and just in general, after going through my watched threads I can easily change the search to tracked threads. That search includes watched, but I think that’s fine, and it’ll catch anything, even just threads I spent time reading.

Then if I’m still looking to kill time I can open the forums proper. Looks like I lose the home page and its recent thread ticker, but the ticker kind of annoyed me so probably for the best.

Yeah, actually, with everything set watching, just clicking the avatar almost does what I’m looking for. The only downside there is that it essentially ignores my posts. Like if I’m the most recent poster, like I had been here, that list was pointing to your last reply to me instead of the most recent post by anyone.

Opening one of my “active” threads from that list and then having to scroll down to get to the new posts (as opposed to just opening to the new posts directly) is one of the things that has been driving me up a wall for the past month. So I’m probably soured on using that list directly as my main way into the boards even though it’s now way less of an issue. (It only ignores my posts. Before it would only link me into a thread where someone directly replied to or mentioned me. Lotta scrolling to then get down to the new posts.)

I’ll stick with the search results as my entry for now, and maybe revisit that list later. Thanks again!

Sure! So, for the new post thing, ignore the ones that look like replies (with quotes) because that will take you to the reply. You should also have one with just the thread (if you’re Tracking) and that will take you to the first new post.