VERY VERY VERY weird question.

This is a very very very weird question but…

If you had an indentical clone of yourself, which was actually YOU in every single way, what would you do with it? In essence, the clone would literally be a mirror representation of yourself, in thought personality, physical, etc. Whatever you think, IT thinks, whatever you do, IT does, whatever you feel, it feels, all simultaneously. It is not a separate entity. It is YOU.

Notes: killing of the clone, or the original you, will not result in termination of the other. The remaining you, may however, feel the the pain of whatever killed the other you. IOW, if one of you gets shot, the other would feel the wound equally, but without the physical damage. If one of you dies, your “original” consciousness would simply transfer to the other you and be absorbed. In essence, you would be immortal.

This is where it gets even weirder… who would be brave enough to mess around with their own clone sexually? In light of the above stipulations, you would technically be masturbating, since both of you are 100% mentally/physically identical. I know this is BIZARRE. I am having a David Cronenberg moment, I guess.

I’d at least get it a sex change…:smiley:

Whoa! No, don’t think I’d mess around with my clone sexually. I’m not into that, and that fact that it’s my clone would only reiterate that a 1000 times more (I’m ugly). But I think I would try and pick up girls with my clone. He’d be a great wingman at the bars since he would always know what I was thinking. And if anything ever got really bad (a girl saying, “Get lost, losers.”), we’d at least have a good ice-breaker (“Did I mention that we’re not twins but clones.”). Of course, if we both scored I’d have double the bragging rights.

That wouldn’t work bud. Remember, IT thinks, everything YOU think. If you want IT to get a sex change, IT will want you to get a sex change also. You’d end up getting RuPauled. mirror clone, dude!

whoa! That’s a good point. I would totally mess around with it sexually! Well, as long as psy didn’t get jealous. :wink: Actullay, I’d have it work for me while I relaxed by the pool, drinking beer and relaxing.

Organ transplant donor.
Start a new one every twenty years.

Well as good as your lounging around idea may be mate, I’m sure that - being identical to you - your clone may have a word or two about it doing the wrok and you doing none.

Didn’t Waterson do this with Calvin when he cloned himself? And the other Calvin didn’t want to do the work either so HE used the duplicator to clone himself but THAT Calvin didn’t want to either so… They ended up rebelling against the OC.

The real question here though is: What would psy do with two demo’s?

Arrrgh! You still don’t get it! That won’t work either. because you BOTH will be wanting the other to work, while you go relax and drink beer. You’d BOTH end up being absent from work and relaxing by the pool, drinking beer.

Don’t think about tying the other one up, or anything like that, cause IT will be thinking the same thing, at the same time as you! IT is YOU, in every way. Your consciousness are parallell!

TWO RuPauls? Urk. This is most certainly NOT a good idea. I stand shudderingly corrected.

Yeah, we would definitely have some sexual action. In the early stages of my bisexuality, I used to ponder that the only male I could envision being sexually involved with would be a mirror image of myself. No, I’m not narcissistic.

Could I trade clones with Jennifer Love Hewitt?

Well, if both of me would be thinking the same thing, then we would both be thinking about having sex, so therefore we would both try and find another set of clones, and we would split up like that…

Hey…wouldn’t an orgasm be felt doubly if both clones orgasmed at the same time?? If you feel what your clone feels and vice versa, and you do everything at the same time…

Ow, my head is hurting.

Well I guess I’ll just do whatever my clone wants to do then. :wink:

If you’re going to be so restrictive though there isn’t much you could do. Whatever you do has to be mirrored etc.

Maybe a more interesting hypothetical would involve the clone having hi/her own consciousness and free will. What would you WANT them to do? (the co-sharing of feelings optional)

This one’s easy. There are a lot of things that are better enjoyed with someone else (go to a movie, sit by a fire with a brew and bs, etc.), but my SO work and sleeps odd hours. Since my clone would enjoy all those same things I would have someone to share them with. Also could get the house cleaned in half the time. As for sex, no way.

Well, if, as MSK pointed out, the clone thinks the same thing you do, there’s no point in this. Because the clone would think he/she is the original and isn’t going to listen to a darned thing his/her “clone” (you) says.

…hunt down MagicalSilverKey for postulating such an interesting question, then binding it in such a straight jacket of qualifiers that every interesting suggestion gets vetoed before the suggester finishes uttering his last syllable.

And before you tell me how it’s technically impossible for both of us to agree upon who will do the dirty deed, I believe I am such a logical and agreeable person that my clone and I could quickly sit down and devise a plan that would enable us to carry out our objective. None of this “But I want to use the Smith and Wesson Combat Master!”


See what a monster you’ve unleashed?


if i had my own clone i wouldn’t know what to do with it. we’d sit there, wondering what to do with each other, and both finally decided “sigh this clone is boring, might as well kill it” and that would be the end of it.

But what if someone cloned the Olsen twins?!?!?

Would space-time collapse? :eek:

I would hope so because I would not want to live in a world like that!

*Originally posted by evilbeth *

Shhhh…I suspect we already do…