My 7 year old Golden Retriever had a pink spot appear at the base of his nose 3-4 days ago. Initially, it was flat; however, it grew rapidly. It’s quite firm and it had a scab over it which fell off 2 days ago. I took him to the vet yesterday. The vet extracted some fluid and looked at it. She stated that she didn’t see any odd cells which was a huge relief, but she did notice an extreme amount of white blood cells which signifies an infection. She prescribed some internal and topical antibiotics. It’s been a day and I haven’t seen any improvements. The vet didn’t clear my dog of any cancer; she just said at this point it seems more like an infection and to just watch it. The vet is obviously not open right now, but the bump seems to not have improved at all. Should it take longer than a day to see improvements? The vet stated to bring him back in 2 weeks for another check up, but to call if it gets worse. I’m linking a photo. Please look at it and if you have any knowledge or experience, please chime in. He is on cephalexin internally and panalog topically.
IANAV. Just lots of animal experience. There are vets on the board. Someone may chime in.
Yes, it may take a while to reduce in size.
Things to watch for:
-increased or different oozing from the area
-increased swelling
-color change
-behavior change in your dog (listlessness, lack of interest in food, that kind of thing)
If he’s still eating, generally behaving the way he was when the vet saw him, you are probably fine to wait until the morning to talk to the vet.
If he’s lethargic, running a high fever, and seems much worse, then you should call an overnight vet.
Again, that’s my opinion, IANAV, and that is based on the limited info you provided. If you are concerned, the guidepost I am trying to provide you is “what is normal for your animal”. I hope this helps.