The latest on Abu Ghraib abuses trial.
Hussein Mutar, second prosecution witness is a small fry. I feel your pain, Hussein, but be reasonable and rejoice, for Allah is just, merciful. If you choose to live a life of small criminal in a war zone, get swept in a dragnet, thrown in jail, forced to strip naked, form flesh pyramids and masturbate, how do you know it’s not Allah’s will? Besides, masturbation is good for men, it reduces risk of prostate cancer, if you live that long.
Amin al-Sheikh, prosecution first witness, is clearly a Hero, a real Minuteman, desrving of unbounded admiration. He is “an insurgent from Syria who went to Iraq in 2003 to fight U.S.-led forces” and “was taken to Abu Ghraib after being captured with AK-47 assault rifles, grenades and bomb-making material.” But there’s still more. “While being held at a tent camp next to Abu Ghraib, he said, he was wounded in the leg and chest in a shootout with Americans after he obtained a handgun from an Iraqi guard.” For that he was beaten, chained to cell bars, urinated upon, threatened with rape, forced to eat pork and drink alcohol, and made thank Jesus for being kept alive.
Amin, don’t feel too bad. I had encounters with US policemen and they were extremely unsentimental, to the point of being actually brusque. I can only wonder what would happen if at the moment of encounter I had a few AK-47 slung over my shoulder and grenades strapped to my belt. If I lived through this to be put in jail, where I would obtain a gun and engage in a shootout with prison guards and still remain alive after that, know what, I’d give thank to Jesus. You can’t thank Mohammed, because he’s just a man (peace be upon him), but you can thank Jesus, because Mohammed (pbuh) said that Jesus did miracles. I know, I know, it’s not a miracle, it’s simply Allah’s will (just, merciful) that you are still alive, but still…
Concerning being forced to eat pork and drink alcohol, Amin, I can only sympathize. We all are forced to eat pork and drink alcohol in US. We are barraged with advertisements to eat pork and drink alcohol all the time. The only reason we are not physically forced to eat pork and drink alcohol is because we are all cowards in US; we don’t take a stand, we don’t offer armed resistance, we submit. We are not Heroes like you, Amin, we are lesser men.
The only quiblle I have, Amin, why is the Lion like you testifying in US court? What is US pig, dog and monkey justice against Allah’s justice? Are you forgetting Allah, Amin?