Videogame Cruelty. (Possibly NSFW)

Katamari Damacy is one of those games that are, in retrospect, massively cruel. You roll up random junk at first, but then you start picking up small animals, then children, people, cars, buildings, ships, land masses, large sentai creatures, Godzilla…

They all make some sort of noise when you roll them up (people and things that contain people scream with surprise and alarm, although some of them sound pleased about being rolled up; this doesn’t make it better in the least), and then they’re all zapped by the King of All Cosmos’ Eyebeams to become the latest star, planet, or stardust.

We Love Katamari goes even further with a “Roll the Flame” level where, while you can only roll up flammable objects, touching living beings with the katamari lights them on fire.

Cruelty is fun and a big part of GTA4 gameplay like popping pedestrian skulls with the sniper rifle from some rooftop. But sometimes I just like to be an asshole, rather than out and out cruel. Bumping into people, making them drop their stuff, blocking their exits, pushing them in the back, spending the whole day stalking a single NPC, taking cell phone photos of them, just messing with them the whole time.

In Oblivion, I often break into people’s homes just to mess up their furniture, throw their fruitbowls and jars around. I’m not very mature. :slight_smile:

Yeah, GTA is famous for cruelty. I can’t count the ways I’ve slaughtered innocents while playing San Andreas.

This was inadvertant cruelty but it happened nonetheless. In Fallout 2, you can steal things from people, and your success is based on your thieving ability. When you aren’t successful, the person you’re stealing from notices and gets mad at you and usually tries to kill you.

Now here was the problem. I didn’t know this, and the game glitched on me and people wouldn’t notice me when I was unsuccessful at stealing, so I just thought I could repeatedly try on everyone and get whatever I wanted. I did this in an entire city, basically stealing from everybody. Eventually I left and cut off the game for a while.

When I came back, the glitch had corrected itself. So when I went back to the city, EVERYBODY in the city was pissed off at me and trying to kill me. I couldn’t do any missions there anymore, except for a secret weapons shop where you can get some of the best weapons in the game that I had (thank Og) not found on my first visit to the city. Since I wanted good weapons, I basically had to slaughter the entire city so I could visit it. Whoops.

I think you’re talking about New Reno, where generally nobody cares if you steal from somebody else, except for the Families - but in a lot of cities- Klamath, for example- one failed steal attempt makes everybody hostile.

There’s a hilarious, yet horribly evil trick you can try with the kids playing metal insects outside the Wright house:

They’ll ask you for a gun, and if you give them a loaded one (or plant it on one of them using reverse-steal) and go away for a while they will all have shot each other.

I used to make people zoos, where I’d invite people to my Sims house and then build little fences around them in the back yard so they couldn’t go anywhere. Then I’d invite more people over to look at them.

At one point I started collecting all the urns of the Sims that had died in one little room. The game has a trigger where if a Sim gets in proximity of a gravestone or urn, they’ll stand there crying for a bit, then leave. When a Sim would wander into my urn room, they’d start crying like normal, but when they started to leave, one of the other urns would trigger the grief reaction and they’d start crying again. I had Sims pissing and crapping themselves and then eventually starving to death because they couldn’t stop crying long enough to feed themselves or go to the bathroom.

I once trained Tonberries to the zone of Yhoator Jungle in FFXI. This was before the patch that made mobs despawn upon a train. Oh, the delicious screams of noobs… I didn’t do it more than once because it truly is an asshole thing to do, but that one time certainly was fun.

I like you.

Me too.

Re the whole thread: I am starting to wonder if the human race deserves to exist :frowning:

Not really :smiley:

edit: As a person sans console: I want GTA4 more than ever.

That sounds like one utterly surreal game.
Edit: I have just remembered something. Ironically I have a ridiculous level of computer game morality. The clip in the OP… there’s NO WAY I was going to leave that on my record… no, after filming that I reloaded and then continued without doing it. I do the same in other games, I have fun being reckless and then I erase it from the ‘record’ by not leaving it saved.

Too late. You just admitted you’re one of us.

We’re sick. We need help.


Veering away from cruelty… That’s not quite an accurate description of the level… Humans are about the only things on that level other than the river that aren’t flammable - metal cooking pots full of water are more flammable than the campfire itself.

Back to criminality… In Neverwinter Nights I occasionally like to go into people’s houses, and steal stuff in front of them…anyone who objects gets killed, because…hey, in console RPGs, you can rob people blind under their noses, so clearly they’re just making trouble for the hell of it. >_>

I prefer to think of Katamari as normal and our world as the one that is surreal.

I’ve had the fire go out when rolling up a pot of water. And the people and animals you touch with the fire katamari just run away.

Has anyone else ever played JFK Reloaded?

I downloaded it out of morbid curiosity. It is, in fact, jarring to play. I’ve never come close to meeting the tasks (you’re Oswald. Three shots, kill JFK, wound the governor, leave everyone else uninjured.) But you can veer WAY off script. For instance, you can shoot anyone in the motorcade. If you hit the driver of any vehicle, you can get some pretty spectacular crashes. And there’s no rule that you can only take THREE shots…:eek:

In Return to Zork, there is this character called the Guardian who shows up when you break the law (except in the cases where you have to break the law to win, but the game’s flaws are many) and confiscates all your stuff. However, if you drop your stuff first, you can do whatever you want in spite of the “The Path to Victory is Now Blocked” screen you get. So near the end of the game, after you’ve gotten what you need from all the NPC’s, you can go on a killing rampage with either the knife or the sword and kill everyone. The Guardian doesn’t show up until you move, so you kill the person, drop the weapon, and then move. Then go back, pick up your weapon and proceed to the next NPC.

And after you’ve done all that, you can go back and finish the final parts of the game.

I can come pretty close (over 700 points, IIRC) but the “magic bullet” shot is one in a million. In the sense that any specific shot that enters one person’s soft tissue, deforms and twists chaotically before emerging the other side, and then his another person after exiting is one in a million, of course. JFK Reloaded is historically interesting to fiddle with since you can see exactly how easy of a shot Oswald had.

Please tell me there’s a Grassy Knoll bonus level.

Yeah, I was shocked the first time I ran through it. My god, they really were sitting ducks down there. True that the exact scenario was one in a million, but it’s clear nearly any shot he took was likely to end up accomplishing his goal of “dead President.”

My goals while playing have often been less focused, shall we say. Vehicles crashed into buildings and each other, motorcycle cops run over, entire carloads of local dignitaries carefully picked off one by one. Total carnage. Dozens dead. Gruesomely fascinating to rewrite a historical event in such a way.

According to the wiki page, there IS a mod you can download for just that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I found it very pleasing to vent my frustration of not being able to figure out how the hell to trigger the flag collection quests in Assassin’s Creed by viciously and repeatedly attacking my assassin allies who were positioned at each quest area, and who never fought back.

I regularly destroy the NPC versions of R2-D2 in the Starwars Lego series by knocking him off of cliffs and such. I just love the “wwhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!” sound effect.

The best part about Fallout 2 was the kids who’d pickpocket you every time you passed them.

Step 1: put on tons of armor and anything else to lower your antipickpocket defense score.
Step 2: put everything else in the trunk of your car except one grenade.
Step 3: arm the grenade.
Step 4: QUICKLY get pickpocketed and run away.
Step 5: Pickpocket go kaboom!

I will end you retroactively. I was usually the 75DRG/NIN cleaning up after people like you. =P

As a weird take on the cruelty theme, I used to take a long time clearing any room in Metal Gear Solid 2. See, after tranquilizing any guard, if he fell forward onto a wall or something, I’d start worrying about him waking up with a really sore neck before I was halfway through the level. So I started sneaking up so I could position the unconscious guards more comfortably before continuing my tactical espionage action.

But then, I’ll also cause chaos and dismemberment in GTAIV for hours, so it’s probably just about the immersion. :smiley: