Violent Left-wingers attack police

I don’t want to go too deep on that either - certainly the National Guard is thick on the ground around there. But certain aspects of that video struck me as hinky - when I was active duty and saw a few people get arrested by base Masters-at-Arms (similar to MPs) they sure didn’t do it like that.

Some bloggers are picking apart the video bit by bit scrutinizing the uniforms and the car license plate and everything else. I’m not going to get into the weeds on that. Nor will I call it a hoax straight out. But I will say that the whole thing should be looked into further.

The issue isn’t the protesting fringe itself. The issue is the support they get from the wider movement.

Were there conservative leaders who endorsed the teabagger protests?

Are there liberal leaders endorsing the G20 protests?

They have six now, all located in the Pittsburgh area. Still hardly a megacorporation.

That’s probably because large amounts of wind often make it difficult to hear.

I vote 3) you’re an idiot.

So they’re not exactly taking on Eat 'n Park yet, huh?

The police usually say someone threw a bottle. Nobody throws a bottle, but you can not prove it. So they wade into the protesters showing them who is boss, beating ,gassing and randomly arresting them.

Only by all accounts this is not happening. Even the protesters are saying by and large that the police are acting with restraint.

Do you now? How very fascin…


She’s from Wooshconsin.

You are implying that “the current dynamic” is the same at both fringes of the spectrum. It isn’t. At present, the RW pretty much owns eliminationism.

Sometimes? At one point yesterday, the first 7 threads in the Pit consisted of political rock flinging. Around here it’s people bitching endlessly about the right wing. On the politics section of another board I frequent, it’s all about the liberal hate. Political discussions on both boards are exactly the same, and include an identical amount of righteous indignation. It’s comedy gold.

ETA: The post above is just perfect. “Yeah, but they’re worse than we are!!!”
“He started it, Mom!!”

Sharp Eyed Observer Detects Hypocrisy of Left!

World Reacts with Stunned Horror!

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, trembling in dismay as she downed another shot of gin, sent out an e-mail to fellow Congresspersons detailing her plan to register as a Republican, and suggesting a unanimous vote in the House to remove President Obama and beg for the return of G. W. Bush, promising to brush aside any pesky Constitutional issues, before hurling hugely into her waste basket…

President Bill Clinton voiced similar shock and horror, noting that while the right has consistently supported policies that resulted in the slaughter of thousands of innocent people and deny decent care to millions of others, they have never, at any time, supported the breaking of windows. In a demonstration of contrition, both of the Clintons have requested that the National Park Service issue a permit for them both to commit hara-kiri at the Lincoln Memorial. Further updates from President Clinton’s remarks will be available as soon as he actually stops talking…

Prominent lefties on the Worlds Greatest Message Board were noticeably silent today, other than blubbering dismay and hysteria, aside from one exception who was, apparently, entirely confused about the significance of the phrase “window pane”…

To be fair, with such a small sample size it could be anywhere between 4-12%.

It’s only “funny” because you’ve actually bought into the right wing excuse that there’s no difference between the right and left.* Something they always haul out when they get exposed. The American right wing IS worse than the left wing, and by a large margin. These people in the OP are the fringe, and largely not even an American fringe as pointed out upthread. The right wing lunatics are the Republican mainstream, the base of the party.

  • Note that it’s always the Right that has to defend itself this way. You don’t see threads about right wingers doing bad things claiming that it proves that they are just as bad as the Left.

Am I the only one who thinks the term “left-wingers” is weird, while “right-wingers” is perfectly ok? Must be because right-wing sort of rolls off the tongue, while saying “left-winger” feels like chewing cud.

Not a hockey fan, are you?

OK, then: bothered enough by to post about it on a message board.

Same diff.

Exactly. How many Dem Congresscritters are making common cause with the protesters in Pittsburgh? I believe that would be zero. But there are plenty of GOP Congresscritters in both houses of Congress who repeat the craziest stuff that the right-wing lunatics spout.

And, of course, you have Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, with audiences in the millions, also repeating or originating this nonsense. What similarly influential lefty is saying things that are as crazy as what Rush and Beck say? You can’t find one.

Why, yes, I am bothered by certain events in my hometown this week. Thanks for noticing. Although I find it funny that you aren’t calling into question the motives of Hentor or Anne, and they have expressed similar concerns.

Incidentally, this claim that I was upset about Edwards’ haircut - kindly authenticate that or drop it.