Violent Left-wingers attack police

Thank you for proving my point.

  1. I denounced this trend as counterproductive.
  2. You post a Q&A with someone whose answers to the questions are no less inflammatory than those of a right-wing pundit in that he is using the broad-brush approach, which is rarely appropriate.
  3. You hold that as evidence that the right-wing is worse.
  4. By doing so you become a part of the cycle.
  5. Right-wing supporters point at that and use it to justify their nonsense.

I give up. If you guys are so intent upon being pinheads that you are incapable of seeing what I’m talking about, have at each other. But don’t get mad when someone pulls out the old “…but you did it first!” canard, because you in fact DID do it first.

Jeez, the Steelers lose one game and all hell breaks loose.

:rolleyes: sigh Let’s take it to GD.

I mostly agree, in that WAY too often here on the SDMB, any kind of action of any sort is met by a charge of “hey, the other side does/did it too” rather than actual meaningful response and analysis, and a mudslinging match ensues.

At the same time, however, there isn’t some mystical magical force at work which guarantees that the bad behaviors of “both sides” of current American politics are somehow automatically equivalent. Sure, neither side is perfect, and either side is capable of quite a bid of bad shit, but just because there COULD be a left (or right) wing equivalent of (some bad guy or action on the other side) doesn’t mean there automatically IS.
In fact, I would claim that there are a lot of harmful and evil features of the current American right wing that have no real equivalent on the left. I believe that to be true, and would argue and support it. What I would NOT do is just reflexively bring it up over and over again whenever anyone on the left does anything bad.

Bullshit. That’s like saying the Rev. Wright is a racist because he accuses the PTB of racism.

You realize that’s a terribly fake arrest, right? When was the last time you saw any legitimate arrest made by guys wearing incorrect, different uniforms and a civilian car without handcuffs or any restraint of any kind?

Pittsburgh cops have always been good to me. Despite the riot gear and armored cars, they didn’t break up my Super Bowl victory party, even as we roamed for miles and miles through the streets. In Oakland, on the other hand…well, they pretty much have to deliver a beat down there. Hell, cars get flipped and couches get burned every time any football team has a major victory. But on the whole, they’re a pretty good group of cops.

Realize, however, that being a cop at the G20 doesn’t make one a Pittsburgh cop. There are cops from all over- Chicago, Dallas, LA, New York, etc. So don’t judge my city’s cops by what the G20 cops are doing.

Not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean its a fake cooked up by some anarchists to embarrass somebody? Or its an actual street seizure performed by someone anxious to make it look like they were part of some military or para-military unit?

In short, I dunno, what do you think it is?

Well, it could be crooks, or it could be actors, but that ain’t a cop car of any kind.

No. Unfortunately, I don’t think anyone gives a shit. Rightwing, leftwing, all they give a shit about is their own selfish blatherings.
As for G20…

It’s been all over the news that a group of anarchists (remember our dear friend, SmashTheState*?) engaged in a violent demonstration, consisting of breaking windows, overturning trashcans, throwing bottles and rocks, IIRC.

Earlier on the news today, several other protestors (the peaceful ones) were harmed by said “anarchists”, when they were throwing rocks. Last week, there was some major vandalism done to Pittsburgh police cars.

Protesters clash with police throughout day, night Yes, throwing a bicycle at the cops is the right way to go about it!

Comparing oneself to the Tiananmen Square protestors?

Fortunately, however, the majority were peaceful
Look: I am not saying, “Oh, those evil liberals, how DARE they go and disrespect the police!” But, this is my home. And it really, REALLY pisses me off to see people destroying other’s property – they’re not getting their message out. They’re hurting the people working for a living, and costing them a lot of time and money, just to be jackasses. And in the end, quite a few DID get hurt in the cross fire. We’re just lucky it wasn’t as bad as London.
For those who do live here, have you seen this? (I signed myself). I’m NOT trying to push a campaign, mods, I just found it relevant.

Leftwing, rightwing, fuck it. I don’t care WHAT you’re protesting. I don’t care if it’s “tastes great!” “Less filling!” Just don’t be an asshole about it!

*I only bring him up because these peoples’ actions remind me of the HIS descriptions of what HE and his so-called “Pandhandler’s Union” used to do.


Apparently there was one fellow responsible for the majority of the broken windows.

And he’s not from Pittsburgh.

I’m shocked.

I only clicked on the link to find out if he was from Ottawa. (He’s not, by the way, for those keeping score at home.)

Look, let’s keep that in perspective. It’s like the similar "anarchist’ demonstrations in Seattle a few years back – nasty and ill-bred, silly and pointless in any serious political terms, but, at any rate, limited to destruction of property. This does not (yet) begin to rise to the level of domestic terrorism.

Where did I say anything about “domestic terrorism?”

I bet he’s a Raiders fan.

I don’t know about Anne off the top of my head, but I know Hentor has been concerned about things like loss of life in the wars we instigate, and torture and the like. I think the same thing’s true for Anne as well. just not sure off the top of my head.

Oh, dearie me - I’m so sorry. You were actually dismissing the haircut as small potatoes, while you were gleefully speculating about the possibility of his having gotten facials, mud masks, and exfoliating scrubs, and calling him a metrosexual. My bad. :slight_smile:

“kindly authenticate that or drop it.” You’re cute when you’re angry. :smiley:

Break windows, start wars, yeah, they *all *do something like that. Big deal.

I universally condemn the Pittsburgh Steelers, for they are clearly the root of the problem. Nothing like this would ever happen in a nice city like Cincinnati.

Race riots? What race riots?

For embodiment of evil, look no further than the Dallas Cowboys, who are to football what the Beach Boys were to rock 'n roll.

And which of you have the audacity and courage to hire a quarterback who qualifies for Medicare, like our guys did?

(Long, long ago I had the Baylor Bears. Now, I’ve the Minnesota Vikings, and the great circle is unbroken…)