So mrAru and I had to blow a few days of vacation time - we booked a flight to Frankfurt to meet up with a Romanian friend that we play EVE Online with. We were going to introduce him to Popeye’s chicken at Ramstein
There is something rather fun about loading us and our luggage into a big german made SUV and screaming through central Germany at speeds in excess of what I can drive in the US with good music playing on the stereo [and a GPS trying to give us in directions in german until we figure out how to make it speak english, then we had one speaking with a recieved brit accent]
I can highly recommend it for a summer break. Although somehow we also ended up in Amsterdam because I wanted to try the CitizenM hotel. Hadn’t been in Amsterdam since the 70s, it was oddly comforting to see the same cafes selling pot and hash, and the people just as mellow and friendly as before although I did worry about accidently falling into a canal [cobbles are hell in a wheelchair and can cause odd ‘detours’ that are somewhat unexpected] I was wisting after some pot, but I don’t smoke:( My frined does, and he showed me one of the joints he bought - it came in a spiffy little tube and all I could think of was how it would fit into one of those vend-a-pen machines we had back in the 70s in school. Vend-a-spliff?
It actually makes me wish that we would legalize pot in the US - it certainly doesn’t seem to draw crime in Amsterdam [at least on cursory examination] and the people we ran into smoking were pretty mellow and friendly. Nothing like the rather surly drunks you would run into in bars in the US. I would bet that you could plunk them down into bars, cafes and liquor stores in the US, figure out how to tax them and treat them just like buying a can of beer.