w00t!I get to be in "Teemings'!

Wow.I sent in an article some time back to Euty for “Teemings” and I just opened my Hotmail and BOOM!There was the letter.I’m getting PUBLISHED in an ezine!does the incredibly insane dance of orgasmic joyThis is so cool.
Thanks Euty and the Teemings staff.You don’t know how happy this makes me.:smiley:



And I agree; it’s a great feeling. I look forward to the next issue, and to reading your piece. And keep contributing.

Thanks,DAVE. I sent it in,thinking I would NEVER hear back from them other than the obligatory “thank you for sending in X.” letter.I’ve never been published before,in any way.This is kind of exciting.:smiley:

Man! They’ll let ANYONE in Teemings, won’t they? Bwa! Hahahahaha! (See ya in May.)

Yes, they really will let anyone write for Teemings, won’t they?

** I_Dig_Bad_Boys** I submitted something in mid-March. I didn’t hear anything back, and them BAM! I opened up my email and got the acceptance letter!

It was very exciting!

So I submitted a pic, and made up a short bio, as Euty instructed!

Woo Hoo!


grinsThanks,Unca Rue.
Stephi,I did exactly as Euty said IMMEDIATELY and am so looking forward to the next Teemings.

See ya in Teemings!