For a link I posted 20 years ago…
“Patience, Monty, climb the ladder…”
For a link I posted 20 years ago…
“Patience, Monty, climb the ladder…”
You have lots more popular link badges than many other longtime posters. And now you’ve added another to your haul.
Congrats and try to avoid freezing this week!
I didn’t even realize that was a thing you could see listed. I see I have 113.
I got one Popular Link badge for linking to Cecil’s article on sodomy in ancient Greece and another badge for linking to a picture of a walrus masturbating. I don’t know if that says more about me or about the people clicking on the links.
That is impressive. I only have 9. On the other hand, only 105 people total have received the “Received a like” badge, and you aren’t one of them. No one will ever, ever get that badge again, so I’m afraid you’ll never be in the cool kids club.
Yeesh, we’re old! Has it really been 20 years?!
I just looked at our join dates (mine was 4 years after yours) and realized I’ve spent a little more than half my life at the SDMB…
I only have six of those badges (which I just now learned) and one is from a link from 2010 that got 90 clicks. Does that mean that vB kept note of that or that it got 90 clicks since the start of Discourse?
I’m one of them. I think the ability to “like” a post was disabled in just a day or so.
You also have the Licensed badge (for completing the advanced tutorial) which is now impossible to get. I just tried and the second step of the tutorial is to delete a post which we are no longer able to do.
Actually that’s not true. You can skip a task in the tutorial
I got one Popular Link badge for linking to Cecil’s article on sodomy in ancient Greece and another badge for linking to a picture of a walrus masturbating. I don’t know if that says more about me or about the people clicking on the links.
Yeah, my two most popular links are to the Venus of Willendorf (prehistorical sculpture of a naked woman) and one NSFW link to the German TV show “Naked Attraction”. What can I say, sex sells!
It seems to be a lot of work to see which of your link badges is most popular. Have to click each one to open your post that holds the link then look at the little [##] bubble next to it.
Shame the badge UI doesn’t include the follow-count.
Anyone got a better technique?
Anyone got a better technique?
Click on your avatar in the upper right corner, choose profile (the figure icon at the bottom right), then summary, and scroll down. There’s a list of your top links.
D’oh! I’ve looked at that page a thousand times. Even scrolled down a few. Never really mentally processed that section although I recognize having seen it before. Thank you!!
Anyhow, my top link has 199 views and my second place has 107.
Anyone care to compete on popularest popular link?
Now it’s 200 and you earned a new badge!
ETA: Never mind. It takes 300 views to earn the Hot Link Badge
where are these tutorials?
Anyone care to compete on popularest popular link? -
My top is 742. I’m sure that will be quickly buried.
I bow to your superior link-fu oh mighty Coach.
Send a PM to discobot. The subject can be anything but the body of the message must be “@discobot start advanced tutorial”
Early on it will show you how to delete a post. This is disabled here so just reply to that with “skip”. I think there is one more thing you will have to skip as well. Other than that it is straightforward.
When you are done, you will get a nice new badge (Licensed) that few have earned.