W2 Question

I just received a W2 from a job that I don’t recall working in 2008 at. I know I did work in 2007 for them. The entire thing is blank except for Local Income where it shows $2.00.

I don’t what to do. There is no ph# on it to contact them and the location where I worked no longer exists.

Contact the IRS. The employer ID number on the W2 will help identify your previous employer and IRS records of that employer should help.

Just write a letter Dear IRS. This W2 is blank can you send me my records?

I don’t think I’d stress it. They probably made a small adjustment on their books that resulted in this being auto-generated. Include it in your return or don’t; the taxes on 2 bucks is not worth the IRS’s time worrying about.

I agree. I recently got a letter from my employer stating there was a payroll mistake a couple months ago and they had added some unpaid overtime to my check. It was $1.42. Sounds like something similar happened here.