Wait just a dang minute. Bad bad bad Ms. Beck-brain, we gotta talk


I hope recovery keeps going smoothly.

I’m scared of basements.

Tornadoes blow buildings around. It don’t care where they land. Right on top of your storm cellar or your hidey hole. Or your house.

I think my fear is more of a fear of being in a hole and stranded underneath a ton of a building. Whose to know when or if someone might figure out you’re under there.

But Beck, as someone who’s lived in tornado country all these years, surely you know basements are safer. You’re not likely to be smooshed down there. It’s upstairs where that and other gross dangers lurk.

But don’t listen to me. Listen to your idol, Cecil Adams.

I’ve seen houses completely destroyed.
Usually the concrete foundation is even ripped up and scattered.
We don’t have very many basements in Arkansas. So I’ve never seen my fear played out.

Except, storm cellers away from the house are common.
I have one. I throw kids and pets in it and stay up top so I can tell rescuers where they are before I die from blowing debris.
I’ve see 100s of house parts laying on top of cellar doors.

Not me.

Sorry Unca Cecil🤭

I’ve been hit by 2 tornadoes, and had relatives who were hit. You may stay up top if you like. I’ll be downstairs.

Seriously Beck - get into shelter.

This, this, this. I now live in a building with no basement, near a river valley that a tornado might use as a guide (weather travels along it all the time). It scares me. They tell me to get into the interior bathroom, but… The folks across the street told me to come over and share their basement. That is what I choose.

Any-hoo, there might be spiders down there🤗

Don’t worry, I’ll really be safe. Because tornadoes are one of my primal fears!!

I have so many! Egads.

Come here and we’ll hold your hand while you describe the situation.

That’s the problem. My fears are so irrational most of the time.
Likely, I’m usually able to talk myself down. Or I lean on one of my family members.

It’s really been close to the knuckles, occasionally.

And, of course, it’s storming outside right now.

You know I’m used to it.

Seth McFarlane serenading Cindy Lauper in his Family Guy voices:

Thanks, Mikey

Maybe you can get them to knock you out (or at least on emergency antianxiety meds) if they have to go to the basement.

Miss B and Mr T - tornadoes and airplanes.

You say that you’re feeling good, your mind seems to be working just fine, and you are feisty enough to give them hell, so those are great signs! I just hope they ID the problem pronto so you can go home. :heartbeat:

I’m getting a seizure alert/ monitor thing installed.


I’m trying not to succumb to googling til I have a visit with the surgeon. Or somebody who knows.

Sometimes it can be useful to google before talking with the surgeon, so you have some idea what to ask.

The trick is where to google. Or, perhaps, where not to. Stick with reputable medical sites.

Sometimes dogs (or even cats) can detect oncoming seizures. Might be worth checking to see if Bayliss could be trained to do so (no point in asking the 'meezers, I know). That way you’d have two alarm systems, and one of them loves you.

I move back to the hospital today after my dialysis.
I’ll see the Doc over there and I’ll learn all the particulars.

I’m slightly nervous.

The Lil’wrekker will be here helping me move. I’ll shower before I leave. Not sure when I’ll be able to shower on my own at the hospital.

Best of luck Miss Beck.