Just how well-known IS this story?
It appears in nearly every anthology of African-American folklore, US Southern folklore, or spooky tales for fireside use. Yet every time I spring it on a kid, or make a reference to it with an adult, I get a blank look.
Briefly, it’s the story of a man who takes a bet to spend the night in a supposedly haunted cabin.
Things are going fine until about midnight, when a little black kitten comes in the front door and sits by the fire.
Shortly, a big black tomcat enters and joins the kitten. The tom asks, “Should we do it now?” and the kitten responds “Wait till Martin comes.”
Progressively larger felines come in, big as a hunting dog, big as a calf, big as a horse, etc…each one asks “Should we do it now?” and the response is always “Wait till Martin comes.”
The man sits watching this, his eyes getting bigger and bigger, until finally he can’t stand it any more, leaps up and out the door into the woods, yelling “You tell Martin I couldn’t wait!”
(All right, it isn’t much of a punch line…call it a shaggy dog story.) So how many of us know this narrative, and how many just read it here for the first time?