While I was waiting for my ride home, the thought occurs to me:
the saying:
He drinks like a fish.
Well, that’s kind of a misnomer of sorts, isn’t it?
I mean, do fish really drink more than your average mammal?
Just because they float around in the stuff doesnt mean that they actually drink it, right?
Unless of course, the saying is:
He drinks like a Fish.
In reference to the Abe Vigoda Character. See, I never watched Barney Miller so I have no idea. Maybe Fish was a drunkard and hid it well. Somehow I just doubt this. I mean FIsh looks pretty upstanding doesn’t he?
I base this purely on the scientific fact that he looks like my Grandpa.
And then I started thinking about Grandpa and how he used to wear hats like Tom Landry. And how I used to think that was him at the superbowl when I was a wee one.
Which in turn somehow reminded me of this popeye cartoon that was from LA. it had some Tom guy. When I was old enough to know that my Grandpa wasn’t Tom Landry, but not old enough to know better, I thought that the Popeye Tom and Tom Landry were one and the same. I thought it was impressive that he had time to draw carttons and coach a team.
and then,
that reminded me of how we used to get cable from LA in El Paso and how I grew up coveting stuff like: electrical light parades, pollo loco, pioneer chicken, cal worthington, pete ellis dodge, Santa’s Village and In N Out (that’s what a hamburgers all about)
and how I hate each and every one of you who have access to IN N Out. Because I used to eat there all the time in Mountainview, CA. and now in Texas, I can’t.
and really, this is about as MPSIMS as it can get.