Waiting for my ride ( a MPSIMS verite)

While I was waiting for my ride home, the thought occurs to me:

the saying:

He drinks like a fish.
Well, that’s kind of a misnomer of sorts, isn’t it?
I mean, do fish really drink more than your average mammal?
Just because they float around in the stuff doesnt mean that they actually drink it, right?

Unless of course, the saying is:

He drinks like a Fish.

In reference to the Abe Vigoda Character. See, I never watched Barney Miller so I have no idea. Maybe Fish was a drunkard and hid it well. Somehow I just doubt this. I mean FIsh looks pretty upstanding doesn’t he?

I base this purely on the scientific fact that he looks like my Grandpa.

And then I started thinking about Grandpa and how he used to wear hats like Tom Landry. And how I used to think that was him at the superbowl when I was a wee one.

Which in turn somehow reminded me of this popeye cartoon that was from LA. it had some Tom guy. When I was old enough to know that my Grandpa wasn’t Tom Landry, but not old enough to know better, I thought that the Popeye Tom and Tom Landry were one and the same. I thought it was impressive that he had time to draw carttons and coach a team.

and then,
that reminded me of how we used to get cable from LA in El Paso and how I grew up coveting stuff like: electrical light parades, pollo loco, pioneer chicken, cal worthington, pete ellis dodge, Santa’s Village and In N Out (that’s what a hamburgers all about)

and how I hate each and every one of you who have access to IN N Out. Because I used to eat there all the time in Mountainview, CA. and now in Texas, I can’t.
and really, this is about as MPSIMS as it can get.

Oh yeah, baby.

If I pick the right route home from work, I pass not one, but TWO In-N-Out Burgers.

And then if I left home and drove for about 5 minutes…I’d be at the THIRD!

Of course, when was the last time I ate there? Well, it’s probably been a good 6 months or so. But it’s comforting to know it’s there.
Great stream of consciousness, by the way. Funny how the mind works.

Hate you.
Hate you
Hate you!

Are you in Southern California then?

(as I see that you are in San Diego)
