I watched a few episodes of TWD yesterday waiting for the game to start, and I had forgotten that the CDC doctor did NOT tell all of them about how the virus works. He just whispers it to Rick. When did everyone else find out? I stopped watching the TWD marathon right after S2.1.
Also, it was sort of strange that when the Doc told them the longest they’d seen the virus take to start working was 8 hours that no one said: Hey, maybe “what’s his name who we left at that tree” is OK! That’s not really a question since it’s just one of many plot holes. And damn, I forgot how young Carl was when this all started! And it’s kind of funny to see that Daryl is hardly listed in the credits early on.
Doc was working under controlled conditions. Maybe something on the outside makes the startup time more variable.
Also, he wasn’t a very good doctor, his wife was the smart one, until she got zombified, anyway. Maybe he was just wrong about the time, misplaced a decimal or something.
Wow, my memory must be fading. After watching what was billed as the S2 Finale, I thought that was the episode before this one. That is, when Shane opens up the barn, shoots all the pet Walkers, and then Sofia staggers out. Was that the penultimate S2 episode? I seem to remember that the Walker attack on the farm was S3.1.
This was also earlier on before they became much more diligent about dispatching those doomed to become walkers. Jim wanted to go on his own terms and he didn’t want to be a burden on anyone else.
Yeah, I guess I misunderstood. The doc said 8 hours was the longest it took to turn, but I think he meant 8 hours after “death”, and Jim had not died yet.
Sofia coming out of the barn as a walker was the MID-season 2 finale. They (for some odd reason) always do a 2 month hiatus during each season with a cliffhanger of sorts.
OH, OK. I was bummed I recorded the wrong show. I was looking forward to seeing that episode again. If only we had the technology to see any episode of any show at any time.