Walmart scam. How does the scammer benefit?

Wife’s walmart account apparently got hacked. over $1000 of clothes showed up on our doorstep that we didn’t order. It doesn’t look like the credit card on file was hacked, rather someone got into her walmart account and ordered a bunch of stuff that got sent to us. THe credit card got charged.

How does this work to the benefit of the person who ordered the stuff? Its a big hassle for us to get it all returned, especially when items on the order aren’t in the box. How do we return things that got charged to our account and are on the shipping list but not in the box?

It’s quite a coincidence if a significant packing error happened on a fraudulent order. Have you checked the order details & packing slip carefully to see whether it was shipped in multiple boxes, and whether they were all sent to your address?

Usually you will have to re-enter your credit card details if you request shipping to an address other than the billing address, so this shouldn’t happen, but who knows.

I find it hard to believe that someone would be dumb enough to fraudulently order stuff that they want with a plan to steal it from your doorstep, because that just sets them up to be caught for more than just casual theft. But criminals are dumb. If it was sent in multiple boxes, maybe some were stolen?

I’m confused about this bit. You’re saying there was an order on the WalMart account, but you still didn’t get everything in the order? Do you have a doorbell camera? It’s possible whoever ordered it was someone nearby, and then grabbed whatever was deliver. First step is to call WalMart and explain to them.

Not least because it may have been a Walmart employee.

More details.
I watched the FedEx truck unload the boxes. Then promptly brought them in…“Honey, What DID YOU ORDER?”

SHe looked on her walmart account and saw a bunch of things ordered for delivery to our house. She didn’t order any of it.

We bundled up the boxes unopened and went to the Walmart to return them. As we opened up the boxes, we (walmart employee and us) checked to confirm what was in the boxes. It was common for one item to be on the identified box order that was not actually in the box.

we got credited for most of the things, but there were things that weren’t credited back, because they weren’t there in the box to return. We also have 3 items that were in the boxes, but not on the order forms as being ordered or delivered.

This is a separate issue though to my primary question.

How does someone breaking into our walmart account, order stuff for delivery to us benefit from it? THe items weren’t valuable; essentially about 10 copies of the same 4 baby clothes. Except for Buzz Lightyear…DAMMIT, where is the Buzz Lightyear that was supposed to be in this box too?

I think that @AlsoNamedBort’s hypothesis is a good one: the scammer may have been planning to porch-pirate the shipment once it arrived, but as you were actually watching the boxes being unloaded from the truck, and brought them into your house immediately, they didn’t have the chance to do so.

I guess I’m puzzled by all this. Taking the boxes unopened back to Walmart makes perfect sense. But then if your starting point with Walmart was to tell them it was a fraudulent order, your refund should not depend on auditing what was actually packed and delivered - wasn’t that the whole point of taking the boxes in unopened?

The fact that the delivered items were messed up so badly seems like too much of a coincidence. I wonder if someone in the Walmart packing/delivery dept is stealing stuff directly from the warehouse and trying to obfuscate what happened to the stock? It just seems a bit complicated and far-fetched to score some clothing, though.

I understand a porch pirate if they ordered something expensive because I supposed they could sell it…but 10+ copies of the same 4 relatively cheap clothing items seems…non-productive.

The “coincidence” of the contents of the order being so messed up surely implicates a Walmart employee in some way, even if we cannot figure out exactly what it is. You should ensure that someone at Walmart is informed of the totality of the circumstances, let them deal with it, and obviously insist on a full refund. Maybe an insider put through hundreds of fake orders to temporarily obfuscate absconding with a lot of stock.

Another interesting point - were the clothes all one or two sizes, consistent styles? (I guess if you just took them unopened you did not necessarily check that). Were they useful desirable items? This would indicate whether someone was planning to “receive” those, or whether it was just random clicking to be a pest. Never underestimate the online equivalent of being a vandal and making work.

I guess the other question is whether the warehouse employee packing the order was lazy - they screw up an order with one or two things, they hear about it - mess up a few things in dozens, less likely (and speeds their picking time). Depending on their methodology, it wouldn’t surprise me if someone with 12 items to put in a box would miss a few or pick the wrong thing. 1 or 2 items, less likely.

The warehouse scam I imagine is Bob orders a pair of jeans from online, and his friend Bill gets to be the picker for that order. Bill then goes around picking several other orders, with Bob’s order’s box on his cart too. He sneaks a few extra items into Bill’s order box. But that requires Bill to be able to ensure he gets assigned Bob’s order, and making fake orders doesn’t help that.

My money is on online vandalism and lazy (underpaid, harried) pickers. Maybe the hacker tried to route the stuff to himself and bumped up against “re-enter card details” so just decided to be annoying when he could not steal.

This requires two simultaneous causes explain the symptoms. House wouldn’t like that!

Packers do mess up orders, of course, but in my experience it’s not all that frequent. I receive damaged or slightly wrong stuff quite frequently, but I honestly cannot remember the last time (out of hundreds of online orders per year) that things were just absent.

It seems like a significant coincidence to me that the order was messed up so badly, and we need one explanation that accounts for both things. That to me means a malicious Walmart employee is involved somehow, or conceivably some kind of non-malicious order system problem at Walmart, although I can’t see how it could lead to this outcome.

I’m assuming that all of the boxes were delivered. It’s always possible there is another shipment with the rest of the items. That still wouldn’t explain extra items, but as others said it could be a picking issue.

I think a system glitch is more likely than fraud. Did you order anything from Walmart that hasn’t arrived? For example, I once received a random microwave plate from Amazon and the box had my shipping label stuck on top of another. I figured everyone’s order was incorrectly shipped until they noticed.

It could be a brushing scam.

I remember a variation of this… Our boss was offered a chance to try out some computer equipment cleaner, along with a nice complimentary mug. If we didn’t like the product, we could ship it back, no cost to us.

But!! We were a large-ish business. so obliged to follow Canadian WHIMS safety laws, which meant anything we shipped had to have a prober chemical identification labels (Those Flammable or Poisonous symbols, etc.) and WHIMS information. The package arrived without the necessary information to send it back and we were stuck with it. Not sure if he ever paid the bill - it was about $46 for a box of 4 cleaners.

That’s my guess too; either that, or if you can call in orders to Wal-mart, maybe the person taking an order got the wrong account by mistake, and put someone else’s order on it.

But I don’t know if you can even call in an order to Wal-mart.

How similar to the missing items were they ?

I think it might be an account number issue. Someone ordered these things but someone somewhere got the account number wrong but put it into the system as an authorised but not paid for order.

What credit are you getting for the items that you returned that were not correct to the order ?? Did they make you keep those items , as if you can’t return items you didn’t order ?

Not sure this is anything to do with the scam, it seems they just messed up with picking the order.

They should have seen the whole lot was clearly not for you, and been able to identify that the You should have got them to reverse the whole order and payment … clearly the one order was delivered as one consignment and the consignment doesn’t contain items delayed from your other orders.

THis crossed my mind as well, that its an order computer screw up. The missing items were still baby clothes just like the multiples of the same 4 other baby clothes.

I envision someone ordered the 5 items, than didn’t see it in there account (because it went to ours) then reordered, and reordered and reordered, trying to get their 5 damn baby items…meanwhile its coming to us.
But that’s just a scenario I’ve thought as a possibility.

Walmart lady suggested that a scammer would have tried to change the address in our account for delivery, with the idea that they could take it back and get a gift card instead of credited to our credit card. That seems somewhat unlikely as it would require very loose web practice to allow the delivery address to be changed AND walmart to be complicit in not crediting back the original credit card used.

Brushing scams do not hack into your account and use your credit card to pay. They are doing it only for the reviews and they eat the cost of the merchandise.

Ah, that’s true. Missed that in the OP.

I just woke up to a notification today saying my order will be delivered between 12 -1 which I never placed an order…it was for 4 items and multiples of each so 5 bottles of lotion, soap vitamins and breathe right strips!
I can’t understand why someone would hack my account and ship these items to my house - how does that benefit them?
I was able to cancel the order and update my password