Want a grandchild, your daughter won't provide one? Hire a rapist!

Is this thread setting some sort of record for whooshes? I am impressed.

I know you think this is some kind of witty parody of liberal tolerance, but , in fact, you are ridiculing an attitude that does not actually exist in reality. Satire only works if it has some basis in truth. This has none.

First, this is obviously so heinous that nobody could condone it.
The mother and the rapist should be subjected to the maximum penalty available.

Second, I wonder why the word hired was put in single quotes.
Did no money exchange hands? That was confusing to this semi-middle-aged guy.

Finally, the following quote from the linked article is … interesting:

Ben Rothlisberger just booked his flight to South America. He isn’t busy at the moment anyway.

Please stop raping the straw man.

Look who learned to count past single digits. Cupcake time!

Boy, who didn’t see this tired comment coming? :rolleyes:

I know, I know…I piggybacked from the EllisDee pitting thread, and I figured it was like my civic duty or something.

Ben is becoming to rape on the SDMB like “You know who else killed grannies? Hitler, that’s who!”

Its not such a bad thing…we’ll all share laughs about it years from now when we’re old and the Bengals have finally won a Super Bowl…

Isn’t there enough collective outrage for both?

It really does deserve it’s own Fark.com category, just like “Florida” and “Wil Wheaton”


Oh no you didn’t! :stuck_out_tongue:

I read that as a sort of idiomatic expression, related to the way the speaker learned to extemporize in English.

So, in a sense, it is South Africa. per my reading, anyway.


I must admit, that was pretty good. Thank you. so many people around here have no talent for this whatsoever. I am truly grateful.
On review I see that miss elizabeth and I agree on this. See that, toots, we are simpatico. Except for the fact that you are a dishonorable piece of shit. But other than that, nuzzle up, babe. Two peas in a pod. Smooooooch.

Apparently, yes I did. Not one of my shining moments, but someone has to hold the fort against that beard.

Well, depends on whether the rape was ‘forcible’ enough.

It’s the only logical fallacy acceptable on the SDMB: And you are lynching negroes.

The fact that you repeat it doesn’t make it true.

South America? Man, if his aim is that far off no wonder his team lost.

Kids these days. They want to skip right past the pillaging and go straight to the rape. No one has the self respect to do things properly anymore.

Hide your kids. Hide your wife.
Hide your kids. Hide your wife.
Hide your kids. Hide your wife.
