Want Eyes like Sailor Moon? Look no further!

No, she did it on purpose. She told people about it, how they were special lenses. I just mean I don’t know why she had lenses like that.

That’s… that’s not cute, it’s terrifying.

You don’t want to tuck her in and give her a glass of milk? Look how cute!

Well, I think it’s more of a woobie cute thing than a submissiveness thing (for most people, some are probably really into the submissiveness). But a lot of anime don’t have those features, see Cowboy Bebop, possibly the most popular anime in the west, and the girl looks like she will quite possibly shoot you in the face (which she probably will, to be honest).

Once again I see my typing skills are extraordinaire.

I had these for halloween a couple of years ago.

More than a few people suddenly developed a keen interest in the floor rather than look me in the eyes.

That looks like something out of a Grudge-type movie.:eek:

There are two females in that picture. The older one is Faye Valentine, who is about 77 years, and so no longer really a girl (though she looks to be in her 20s, since she spent a long time in suspended animation. The younger one is Edward (yes, she has a boy’s name), and is a girl about 13 years old. I assume you mean Faye when you say “she will quite possibly shoot you in the face” – Edward would just use her computer hacking skills to deal with you.

I believe I speak for everyone when I say o_O.

Oh, jeez, I love anime. (Not that I’ve been keeping up much for the past ten years.)

It ain’t wank material, if that’s what you’re thinking. Even classic stuff that is pretty puerile and has a lot of emphasis on sex (like Cutie Honey,) - the main attraction is that it’s entertaining and fun. I can’t say anything about what motivates people to watch *hentai *- I’ve never seen any that came close to being watchable.

That being said, the character design is often quite sexy. When I was young enough to go to conventions and stuff without being the creepy old guy, I appreciated it a lot more in the context of cosplay. There’s a young girl here at work that teases the hell out of me by showing off her cosplay pics, and I have to admit they sometimes give me fibrilations. The actual cartoons aren’t something I can imagine deriving much in the way of actual titillation from, though.

I wouldn’t worry too much about anime-liking guys being hung up on submissive women or anything. Although my wife does have “anime eyes,” she is pure yang. If she shares any (non-physical) qualities with Lum, it’s the pyrotechnics when her temper is aroused. Yow.


I haven’t seen Cowboy Bebop in so long I always forget Ed is a girl, yes, I was talking about Faye. Granted, Ed is so WEIRD you can’t really do much with that one either.

Okay, just because it’s funny, I’m going to link one of Yahtzee’s (of “Zero Punctuation” on the Escapist) text review with censored pics of a Hentai movie called Stairs. Broken for obvious reasons.


I’m considering those, too! I need to remember to order whatever I want in time for Halloween this year.

These would be fun in a “is there something wrong with that person’s eyes? No…yes…gah!” sort of way. I don’t think they’d show up in my eyes, though.

Yeah same with my baby daughter. All I hear when I go out is “look at her eyes”. She has really big eyes that are almond round shape like mine with long lashes. I guess it is unusual for everyone else but us.

Darn, they don’t come in powers. I’d look spooky but be stumbling around the house. :smack:

Wouldn’t those things hurt? Or at least be really uncomfortable?

Not to mention, they probably have to be thicker and therefore provide less oxygen to the cornea.

Corneal neovascularization and corneal pannus! How adorable!

It creeps me out too, and the more I see of it, the more I become convinced that the entire genre and culture of anime are rooted in frozen adolescence at best, and at worst appeal to latent (if not manifest) pedophilia.

Does anybody else think thy look like Bette Davis Eyes?

The ENTIRE thing? I’ll grant that the main audience in Japan is teenage boys, so a certain amount of fanservice is to be expected, but it’s hardly based on that. You’re talking about a culture that pretty much launched half of all franchises involving giant robots. A lot of anime runs off rule of cool more than any weird sex practices. Some of the stuff for the older crowd especially is almost entirely mild (or rather, nothing you wouldn’t see in your average sitcom or crime drama here), such as Death Note (Misa’s goth fashion taste not withstanding, but she’s supposed to be a popular fashion model), which is more about morality and (supernatural) crime. If you’re getting your information on anime from 4chan that could explain it though…

The hentai/ecchi culture I can’t speak for.

Believe it or not this is almost on the nose of how otaku (over 20 or so) are viewed in Japan itself as well (judging by the things I’ve been told by many immigrants/exchange students at least), granted it can be taken to even more asinine generalizations there sometimes.