All right. I’m sending this out as an email, as well, but I figured that I may as well post it here. If you guys want to help me out with this (hint, hint), it would be super-appreciated - especially if you then pass it on to someone else. Thus:
I’m working on a research paper for school (as I go into my senior year of high school) on the media coverage of the 2000 US Presidential election (the recounts, and such, not the campaign). Essentially, I’m contrasting the way foreign media sources handled it with how it was handled here in the US. As I was in New Jersey and not in any other country at the time, I was hoping you could take a few minutes to fill out this survey, and send it back to me. If you don’t wish to, I would appreciate it if you could at least pass it on to someone else. American perspectives are just as welcome as international.
In what country do you live? Please also say if you have lived in any other countries.
Did you follow the US Presidential campaign in 2000? If you wish to answer, which (if any) candidate did you support? If you are American, would you classify yourself as a democrat, republican, or other (please explain)?
Did you follow the election day (7 November 2000) events, such as exit polls?
When you first heard the results of the election, when did you hear them and what did you hear (e.g., Bush won, Gore won, etc). Where did you get this information? If you remember the name of the publication, news station, etc, please say.
In reference to #4, what was your initial reaction to the news?
Did you follow the recount process (through 11 December 2000)?
What were your thoughts about the recount and supreme court deliberations? What did you sense from those around you? Who did you think was the true winner of the election?
If outside the US: Did you think/worry about the impact of the stalemate (and eventual outcome) on your country?
If within the US: Did you think/worry about the international reaction to the election/stalemate/recount? -
What was your reaction and where did you find out about the final Supreme Court decision?
Were there any issues not addressed in this survey you feel were important during that time period? If so, please share.
Thank you very much for your time and participation! If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please email me at Furthermore, if you have any newspaper clippings, videos of news broadcasts, or other original media from the election period that you feel were influential in your region, please email me with the details. Again, thank you for your time.