War is unintelligent and insane, from the part of the war makers.
Since I started on a life of intelligence and sanity, war has always been for me unintelligence and insanity, in particular when I consider the actuations of the war makers.
For the present discussion, let us examine the war on Saddam Hussein launched by Bush and his colleagues.
The words ‘unintelligent’ and ‘insane’ are clinical descriptions.
The corresponding attitude from intelligent and sane minds at the sight of the war, and Bush and his colleagues who launched the war on Saddam Hussein, is one of sorrow for the war, and scorn for its protagonists.
To do justice therefore to the enterprise called war, in particular for our present examination, the war on Saddam Hussein, and its perpetrators: Bush and his colleagues, I want to state that:
The war on Saddam Hussein is stupid and crazy; and Bush and his colleagues are stupid and crazy.
Consider the money so far spent by Bush and company on the war, sixty billion US dollars (US$60,000,000,000.00).
Am I right here with the figure?
Anyway, correct me if I am wrong here and there in this message.
Let me concentrate on the issue, however.
Where does the money come from?
Not from the private pockets of Bush and company.
From the hard-working taxpayers who put Bush and company in the government to be their servants, not to be profligates with their money, in war adventures.
Now, what have Bush and company as servants of taxpayers intended to achieve in spending all that US$60,000,000,000.00 on a war against Saddam Hussein?
To remove Saddam Hussein’s regime from Iraq, take over Iraq, and pursue all the purposes Bush and company want for the U.S. taxpayers, their masters, and for the Iraqi people.
What are these purposes?
First and foremost, so that the U.S.A. will be safe from the dangers posed directly or indirectly by Saddam Hussein, with his so-called weapons of mass destruction.
That’s for the U.S. taxpayers who appointed Bush and company to be their servants.
For the Iraqi people, to bring them liberation from Saddam Hussein, the dictator, and introduce them to the democratic system of government.
So far what have Bush and company in fact achieved?
Lives horribly slaughtered, bodies still alive but dreadfully mangled, homes, buildings, infrastructures, specially electrical and water systems, all destroyed, civil disorder and social chaos.
That’s for the Iraqi people.
For the U.S. taxpayers who put Bush and company in the government to be their servants, are they safer now than before?
Do the Iraqi people welcome the U.S. and want the U.S. to install a democratic system of government for them?
Are U.S. taxpayers more lovable and appreciated by peoples around the intelligent and sane world with this war of Bush and company, their servants?
Let us however see whether there are intelligent and sane ways and means to spend just one-tenth, six billion dollars, to remove Saddam Hussein, than blowing away all that $60,000,000,000.00, with nothing to show but death, destruction and anarchy, more ill-will from the world community, by waging war on Saddam Hussein.
I think it is much more intelligent and sane and very possible and workable to just spend six billion dollars (US$6,000,000,000.00), instead of ten times that amount to remove Saddam Hussein.
And that without all the killing and destruction of war and the consequent ill-will and hatred against the U.S. from many peoples around the world.
With just six billion dollars, for example, (to prescind from ethical considerations), an assassination of Saddam Hussein was very possible.
Within ethical limits of a more practical character, six billion dollars will effect the removal of Saddam Hussein, if Bush and company used it to buy over the critical and crucial personages of Saddam Hussein’s regime, namely, his cabinet ministers and his generals.
On a commercial vein, with six billion dollars, Bush and Company could launch massive business investments in Iraq, whereby Iraqis would improve their economical situations and – I might appear simplistic – absorb capitalistic democratic values, with Saddam Hussein eventually becoming a political irrelevancy.
Lastly, if Bush and company really wanted to liberate the Iraqi people and bring them a democratic system of government, the most effective and constructive way to do it is by education.
With six billion dollars you can establish many many institutions of learning and culture in Iraq, of the Western mold, where the top pins of Saddam Hussein and even he himself will want to send their children and their children’s children for schooling.
And with Western education, again Saddam Hussein would eventually become a political irrelevancy, as the new generation of Iraqi elites arise from families of Saddam and his top pins.
In light of these possible alternatives to war in order to remove Saddam Hussein and procure the safety of U.S. taxpayers:
The war by Bush and company on Saddam Hussein is stupid and crazy.
Maybe I am the one stupid and crazy for entertaining the above alternatives to war.
History will judge, but we can ourselves as well do the judging now, by simply exercising intelligence and keeping ourselves sane, all the time.
Susma Rio Sep