Warning: Pun ahead!

I know some of you guys read the xkcd comic. Have you seen todays?



User Friendly also has a bad pun today. (6/27/07 - you may have to backtrack if that isn’t today.)

xkcd is wonderful. User Friendly? Groan…

Oh, God. You’re right, Daniel, User Friendly’s pun is BAD, compared to xkcd’s. :stuck_out_tongue:

The User Friendly pun was in a VGCats comic quite a while back as part of the intro to the game Democrat Dance Revolution (DDR). Still groan worthy then to. I would link to it, but I am at work and searching through the archives of a comic might look a bit like slacking off.

Herbs are spices now?

Wow, you’re right–it’s retroactively not funny! :frowning:


Poetic license – they use in *art * occasionally. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well yeah, but there’s not really any reason to substitute the word - it would have worked just as well with the word “herbs”…

I’m thinking (who the heck knows for sure) the cartoonist thought “spices” would resonate more readily than “herbs” with his targeted comedic demographic, releasing and energizing their inner sense of puntastic appreciation better.

Or something.

Okay, I was kidding before, but now you actually ARE managing to make it less funny. Why do you kill the joke, Colophon, why?!


I’ll agree with that. It’s much more of a groaner. It’s odd, though, that they both did puns the same day when neither one does puns often.

From Webster’s New World (paperback):

spice 1. an aromatic vegetable substance, as cinnamon, nutmeg, pepper, etc., used to season food. 2. that which adds zest or interest.

I’m sure culinarians differentiate between herbs and spices, but it’s a specialized quibble. Never quibble at a good pun.

Ignoooooore, Daniel. Ignore. It’ll be okay. :cool: Just enjoy the pun and ignore the nay-sayers.

Yllaria, true, there aren’t enough well-crafted puns out there!

Oh don’t get me wrong, I thought it was a great pun.

I love it. xkcd always seems to come through for me when I am having a bad day (not that today was bad, but that’s a general xkcd statement - I love that place…)

Of course, even after thinking over the spice/herb, I don’t like it any less. I figure that is a victory for stick-men everywhere.

Brendon Small

You know, I was about to contest this for xkcd, then I decided to doublecheck. I was surprised to have to go 41 strips back before I found another blatant pun in this strip.

I just finished reading through the entire xkcd archive a few days ago (something I’d been meaning to do for months now). Then yesterday I noticed that there is an alt-text joke in every comic as well. Now I have to read the entire archive again!

Ah well…something tells me I’ll get over it.
(In case you don’t know about alt-text, hover your mouse over the comic for a few seconds. It’s worth it.)

Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a BITCH ASS SHIT FUCK DAMN!

I dunno – I thought User Friendly’s is more cerebral and offers triple-layering. Xkcd’s consists of a symple homonym, although it is more historically referential. User Friendly wins points on degree of difficulty, but xkcd wins with clean form and execution.

I’m not really helping, am I?

What! I read through the archives a month or so ago and have been keeping up with the comic since, and I never noticed the alt-text jokes! Now I am going to have to go back and read them again.

How have I missed this site for so long? It’s fantastic!