I’ve been doing some cardio workout on one of the machines at the gym with this warming "stop if you feel pain, faint, dizzy or shortness of breath. I can understand stopping if you feel dizzy or faint but am i really supposed to feel no pain or shortness of breath when im running? My leg muscles usually start hurting after about 5 minutes and im pretty short of breath by the time i stop, is this bad?
If you exercise to the point that you’re running out of breath, pretty much by definition you’re not doing an aerobic exercise–if your body is getting its energy by burning mostly blood sugar & oxygen rather than mostly fat, it’s not aerobic any more. So, by running until you’re out of breath, you’re not doing much for your endurance, but you are probably improving your sprinting ability some.
Any exercise is damaging. You beat up your body and it responds by rebuilding itself stronger, faster, more flexible, whatever it needs to do in order for the next round of exercise to be easier. If you go too far too fast, you can beat yourself badly enough that you pass out and, on a treadmill running at 10-15 mph, that can kinda suck.
At my gym, they’ve got a sign in the locker room reading “No large towels on the treadmills.” Somebody asked what that meant, and I said, “No capes!”
They’re also covering their ass. If you have a heart attack, they can always point to the warning and say, “We ***told ***you not to do that!”
You need to start out slow. Let me tell you about me. I have asthma and it was bad, I was on the steroid pills. I couldn’t even cross a large major street sometimes without sitting on the median.
I also had borderline high blood pressure. The top number was 129 the bottom was 60.
My doctor said to run. I was like “Doc, I can barely WALK, how can I run.” The doctor told me it would lower my blood pressure.
Long story short it did NOTHING for my blood pressure but my asthma improved 95%. I don’t use any steriods today and it’s been over six months since I used my resuce inhaler, albuterol.
It took me TWO YEARS to work up to running 30 minutes strait. Now I can go 90 minutes. The key is when you’re totally out of shape GO SLOW. Start with the BIKE and work your way up to 30 minutes. When you get that done go to another machine, like the eliptical. Then do 20 minutes on bike, ten minutes on eliptical
Always do your goal. So if you want to do 30 minutes. Do all thirty minutes. Even if you have to stop and rest after each five minutes, evenutally your body will come around.
But it took me two years to get to 30 minutes. But I consider myself nearly asthma free, from someone who used to sit down in the snow, because I couldn’t breath and couldn’t walk all the way from the subway to my apartment, to running 5 miles non-stop.
Also I got pain in my shins when I started. I think they call them “shin splint.” That pain went away. I also had a LOT of pain in my arches. But I wore cheap shoe. I went out and paid a bunch of money for some Nikes and the arch pain quit immediately.