Was ISIS created by the US?

Well, yeah. That was the point I was trying to make.

A plan for a Saudi oil pipeline in particular, you say? Do tell us more.

Wow. That’s quite a condescending tone you’ve so gleefully adopted. Given that only you appear to be privy to these plans for a Saudi oil pipeline to Turkey I suppose it would make you feel kind of important when you astound people with your privileged insights.

At least conspiracy nonsense can usually be traced back to a source.

So,where did your Saudi oil pipeline come from?

sorry I miss read your post

Well, yes. But of course Northern Ireland was created precisely in order to generate a statelet in which a majority of the people would want to remain a part of the UK, and the opposing nationalist view would be marginalised in government and politics. If you deliberately set things up to ensure that the views you don’t like can’t be effectively pursued by democratic means, I don’t think you can completely wash your hands of the entirely foreseeable consequence that they will be pursued by undemocratic means.

I’m not seeking to absolve the IRA - or ISIS - from moral and political responsibility for their actions. But at the same time if others have intentionally created the conditions that bring this about they, too, need to be morally and poltically accountable for their choices and their actions.

I just wish they’d call it ISIL so there wouldn’t be a backlash against the goddess Isis and anything bearing her name such as a metaphysical bookstore in Denver.

I’m British, with no Irish connections, and as a Londoner was the indirect target of the provisional IR for about 30 years - and I’m pretty certain “the UK” did create the IRA.

What started as an entirely legitimate 1960s civil rights movement - and it remained that for many - was subject to the most appalling prejudice and intimidation over years, perhaps culminating in the murder of 13 civilians by the British Army on Bloody Sunday (14 if you include the later death).

After that against my community, I also would see no alternative. And I would see the government as being directly responsible.

That was Northern Ireland’s Abu Graib / Blackwater occupation (and all the other appalling breaches of basic human decency and rights).

Some call them Daesh or Da-esh. But John Kerry keeps pronouncing that Dash, making them sound a bit too heroic.