Was that Pat Smear back with the Foo Fighters on Letterman last night?

The Foo Fighters are one of the most terrible bands actively making music, but the one right decision Dave Grohl made when he first put together a band was getting Pat Smear, late of the Germs and then Nirvana’s live set, to play guitar. Later, Smear left.

When they played their latest terrible single on Letterman last night, it appeared that an older, beefier Smear was playing guitar stage right. Was it?

I didn’t see it, but I have read that Grohl was talking with Smear about touring with them again.

BTW, I disagree with your take on the Foo’s quite a bit, but I don’t see much value in trying to change your thinking - YMMV and all…

Yes, definitely Pat Smear.

I recall reading or hearing something about Dave Grohl getting many (or all?) former members of FF together for this record or tour, or something.

Or maybe I made that up and it was just Pat.