Washington D.C. Alltel cell phone users

Do you get good coverage down your way? It might influence my decision here in Northern Ohio to get their service, as my parents live there, and I, and my kids visit often.

How about traveling nationwide?

I got great coverage in Washington D.C. However, since I had a nationwide no roaming plan, it’s possible that I was roaming on another company’s towers and not actually on the Alltel Network. But if you look on a map and it says Alltel covers that area, then I was on their network.

And, as I said, I had no problems in DC. I haven’t done much nationwide roaming, but I can tell you it worked great in DC, works well in GA and in FL, and pretty much everywhere on I-95 from FL to DC.

But it sucks in Fayetville, NC. I don’t know why, but my signal sucked in and around Ft. Bragg. I don’t want to hear any conspiract theory or black helicopter crap… all my friends had great service and excellent signal from other providers. But mine sucked. And I lived 300 km from a freakin Alltel tower!! I don’t get it…