Wasn't There Supposed to be a New Mythbustes (8/13/08)?

…because my DVR schedule said “New” and described an episode I don’t remember seeing (something about viral videos). However, what the Discovery Channel actually showed at the appointed time slot was a rerun about pirate myths.

Unfortunately I don’t have an answer, just wanted to confirm that the same thing happened here. I was looking forward to watching it when I got home tonight, so I was very disappointed.

There’s a note at discovery.com/mythbusters that the new episodes scheduled for tonight and next week have been rescheduled (it doesn’t say why or to when) and that new episodes will resume on 8/27 with an episode about the moon landings.

Based on the high ratings the Olympics have been receiving, I would imagine they wanted to save new episodes for a less competitive time.

Which is probably also why NextWorld, which was supposed to be on before Mythbusters, wasn’t aired.

This has happened before. For some reason when they started the previous set of new episodes it never matched up with the Tivo description and was often a rerun when they had a new episode scheduled.

These Olympics can lick my balls. Every TV show that I like has been either pre-empted or been a rerun since the Olympics started.

Ah, I was wondering about this, but hadn’t checked up on it yet.

We had the same question last night. I’m glad to see it was not just our TV.

I can’t wait for their moon landing episode.

Ah, one less thing piling up on my DVR during the Olympics. :slight_smile:

But what if they decide that the moon landing as hoax is PLAUSIBLE or even CONFIRMED? :eek:

That would be so cool.

One of the rumors I’ve read elsewhere online is that they were having trouble getting the rights to play youtube videos for their episode on internet myths. That is, of course, just a myth I read on the internet. I’d mark it as plausible though.

They’ve got the Bad Astronomer helping them in that episode so I somehow doubt things will come out that way.

I am looking forward to it since this is the kind of thing I want to see them dip into from time to time. There are a lot of popular conspiracy theories that can be scientifically tested. The WTC has plenty of those and, even though it’s been done plenty of times before, so does the Kennedy assassination.

Plus I’ve heard that the Illuminati pays pretty well.

It wasn’t only the DVR descriptions, however. Discovery was also running on-air promos for the episodes noting they were supposed to be new on the date in question. Man vs. Wild also was supposed to be new. Bear was supposed to be in the Louisiana swamps. However, the episode aired last night had him in Malaysia.

A bunch of Discovery’s program descriptions have been bollixed this week. It’s almost as if the tape or hard drive containing the week’s new episodes got lost or damaged, and they just jammed in reruns to fill the slots.

That makes sense now! I DVR both Mythbusters and Man V Wild. I knew MB was a repeat cause I had seen it before. But I’ve just recently gotten into MvW. My DVR said something like, “Bear takes on the deep south” and it was from 2008. I thought “Deep South” meant Alabama or something…then I figured that was just me be US-centric. Then I thought, I should be US-centric, it’s on American TV, bastards!

Anyway, thanks for clearing that up :slight_smile: